If you would like your homepage or have a link you would like to see added please email me at the address below with url, name of page and any other information you would like to be included.
These are sites I have found that have one of the following Surnames listed or sites that have been sent to me. Some sites may have allot of information while others may just list the surname. If you find a link that doesn't work please let me know.
** means site is listed under more than one surname.
Belgium Genealogy--Belgium remembers and honors the U.S. Armies of Liberation
John 4 BIGELOW--One Cheever Listed
Online Searchable Databases with Cannon County Famlies
Cheever Family Genealogy--at GenForum
Welcome to Lygia's Genealogy Page--Searchable with 4276 family groups including Chavers
** Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677--Searchable List of 3850 Surnames listing 1 Cheever
Eifel Area Families --Searchable
Index of Surnames for Eric Page--Searchable List Hannah Cheever
Housley-Bedwell Genealogy Connection --Searchable List Cheever Surname
Joan's Genealogy Website--List 4 Cheevers
Register Report - CHOATE--List Amos Cheever
Ancestors of Nigel Cook,Southampton,England
Index to Grayson Genealogical Data
Descendants of John1 and Elizabeth (Vincent) Knight--List William Cheever
Five Generations of Descendants of Robert and Elizabeth Mansfield--Sarah and Ruth Cheevers Listed
The Narraganset Townships, Grantees and Claimants
Newton, MA, Vital Records to 1850
Jefferson County, New York GenWeb Queries
Norfolk Surnames List Surnames Beginning with C
THE NORWOOD FAMILY PAGE--Not NORWOOD: Recent discovery among family papers--John R. Cheever and Helen A. Hill family of Manchester, Mass.
The Olive Tree Genealogy MISCELLANEOUS SHIPS' PASSENGER LISTSThe Hector 1637
San Francisco Call Newspaper Vital Records for the Year 1885 (Surnames: Cabanot - Clyne)
San Francisco County Ancestor's Obituaries and Death Notices Cg - Cl
St Louis Publis Library St. Louis Obituary Index 1904 A - L
Families Allied with the Strawn Family (1600's to 1996)
** Norris' Data Base: Surnames--Searchable List 2 Cheevers
Robert L. Ward Genealogy Report Descendants of John Whitney--List Hannah Cheever
Descendants of Richard and Rose (Stewart) Woodward
Greenwood County, Ks Newspaper Clippings 1877-1907--List Lucy Cheever
Christie Family Genealogy Forum--at GenForum
Christy Family Genealogy Forum--at GenForum
Walker/Snell Genealogy Homepage--Searchable with 1943 surname and list Christy's
Phelps Family Genealogy—1487-Present--List several Christy's
Welcome to Lygia's Genealogy Page--Searchable with 4276 family groups including Christy
** Norris' Data Base: Surnames--Searchable List 4 Christie
Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677--Searchable List of 3850 Surnames listing 3 Christy
Davis Family Genealogy Forum--at GenForum
** Norris' Data Base: Surnames--Searchable List 18 Davis
Walker/Snell Genealogy Homepage--Searchable has 1943 surnames and list several Davis's
Ohio Crossroads--Have early DAVIS line in Ohio. Also looking for among others VANFOSSEN, STALLAR, ROSE, PORT, MITCHELL, KANE, BARRETT and AlLEN
** ZIEGELER Genealogy Homepage--A searchable database of many names including Davis
Wes Patterson's Genealogy Home Page The Stokes Co., NC "TreeShaker"--Davises centered mostly in Moore Co., NC as far back as the late 1700's
Davis Clearinghouse--DAVIS line VT>NY>IL
Our Family Tree--7066 Individuals, 2633 Families, 1672 Surnames in database
Jack and Karen Davis Family--Decendants of Jackson Orville Davis and Wife Verla Nadine Pedersen-Davis
Jackson Family Genealogy Forum--at GenForum
** Norris' Data Base: Surnames--Searchable List 17 Jacksons
Walker/Snell Genealogy Homepage--Searchable has 1943 surnames and list several Jackson's
** Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677--Searchable List of 3850 Surnames listing 14 Jacksons
Kivi-Jackson-Wild Genealogy Page
** ZIEGELER Genealogy Homepage--A searchable database of many surnames including Lathrop
Descendants of Rev. John Lothrop for Seven Generations
** Norris' Data Base: Surnames--Searchable List 168 Lathrops
** Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677--Searchable List of 3850 Surnames listing 14 Morgans
Walker/Snell Genealogy Homepage--Searchable has 1943 surnames and list several Morgan's
Morgan Family Genealogy Forum--at GenForum
** ZIEGELER Genealogy Homepage--A searchable database of many names including Morgan
Descandants of William Morgan and Margaret
Welcome to the Royer Family In America Genealogy Home Page--Has Morgans Listed
Welcome to Carolyn's Genealogy Page--Reflections From My Family Tree. Many Surnames Besides Morgans. Morgan connection in Virginia
Schreiber Family Genealogy Forum--at GenForum
The Dennis Stephens Family Home Page--Has genealogy report on descendants of John Frederick SCHREIBER as well as on Jonathan Burgert, John Sidlinger, Freidrich Groff, Genaro Bisignano, And A home page book on Stephen
The Shriver/Stallwood Ancestry--Descendant of John and Hester/Esther Shriver of Philadelphia, PA.
Northern California Shriver Homepage
** Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677--Searchable List of 3850 Surnames listing 11 Tufts
Genealogy--I am researching the following surnames: GARMAN, STEWART, CASS and TUFTS
** ZIEGELER Genealogy Homepage--A searchable database of many names including Tufts
** Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677--Searchable List of 3850 Surnames listing 1 Whitmore
Index of Surnames related to Robert and Lisa Clyde--Searchable
Elaine's Genealogy on the Web--Searchable
Register Report - HALL--Searchable List Thomas Wetmore
Descendants of Samuel Hinckley for Seven Generations
Housley-Bedwell Genealogy Connection
LaRue & Allied Families--Searchable
** Norris' Data Base: Surnames--Searchable List 2 Wetmore and 2 Whitmore
The Latta Genealogy Newsletter
May Genealogical Database--Searchable
Warren County, Penna Genealogy "Warren County History"
copyright 1998/99 judjack@rocketmail.com
Last updated June 23, 1999
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