Why are we here?

As I was beginning to develop this web page, my son asked me what I was doing. I told him I was starting a web page for the Senior Youth Sunday School Class, which I will be teaching this year. He asked me if he could have a web page. Seeing the opportunity for some quality time with my son, I said, "Sure, we can work on it together." He thought for a few minutes, then asked, "But why would I want to?" That's a very valid point. With all the things that we could be doing each day, why spend time working on a web page?

First, the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to work with some wonderful young people. We will be using the book, Experiencing God Youth Edition by Henry Blackaby. This course is designed to help us realize that we can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It's about experiencing God, day-by-day, moment-by-moment. It's about seeing God at work in our lives, everyday. As we begin to see how God is at work in our lives, there will be a natural excitement to tell others about this joy that we've found. We can share this excitement with our families, friends, and others that we may come in contact with. But why not share this news with the world? So, that's why we are here.

So, come and join us. It's going to be an exciting adventure. I'm going to turn the development of this Web Site over to 13 teenagers. What will you see here? I have no way of knowing, but with your prayers, and God's help, some amazing things will happen. Stop by and visit us often. We want to share with you the excitement of knowing that God is at work in all of our lives.

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