Writings for and by the Body of Christ

A note from the editor: All articles, writings, songs and/or messages have a copyright (©) by Gary W. Crisp, unless otherwise clearly stated. However, all of these articles are FREE for the sharing, in any form. All I ask is that nothing be changed from the original text, and that no monetary gain be made from them (please see Matthew 10:8). Any other author on these pages (or any connecting links) may have different concerns for their work. Please respect each individual author’s wishes. Thank you.

Viewing Life Through Scripture & Examples

There are many things in life that come our way. For example, some of us endure a hardship of loneliness, fear or rejection; some struggle with family situations or trouble at school or on the job; others find that finances they have “coming in” do not match the expenses “going out”. Then there are those who encounter physical odds, sometimes even facing physical death, unless God graciously intervenes and heals their sickness or disease. There is one more area, though, and this is the area of spiritual confrontations.

It is here, in this last area, that most of us face trials, tests and hardships; this is also where we even sometimes fail, as we face life’s many temptations. And, it is here that we have the most difficulty understanding what is happening in our lives. With a sickness, we can know what we face (even though it may be hard); with financial troubles, we know where we stand (even though it may not help); with loneliness and rejection, we hopefully learn, by God’s Grace, to conquer those fears. But, with spiritual struggles and confrontations, we may not always have a firm grasp on what is happening or what we need to do about it. We can overcome, however, being victorious and more than conquerors in all these things. But how does this happen? And why didn’t it all happen the day we got saved?

All of this can be realized, learned, practiced and (more importantly) lived, as we learn more and more of what God’s Word has to say to us and for us.

Remember what Paul wrote, in 1st Corinthians 10:13 ~

“There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man, and God is faithful, Who will not allow you to be tempted above that which you are able. He will, with that temptation, also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.”

God is Faithful

First of all, Paul encourages us with the fact that all temptations, all experiences and all adversity is common and normal among all men. Other Christians, before us, have endured them, and they will also face the same things, after us, should the LORD tarry. Secondly, Paul assures us that God is faithful, and He is well aware of our situation, already planning our escape, if we only have the power to undergo the hardship and endure. That is what “being able to bear it” means.

The hard part is believing that, and I have been there many times, hoping against hope and struggling to believe that He would not allow me to be consumed or to be overcome. But, as I learned His Word, I began to “rest” and “lean upon” Him, and I began to understand His Ways. As I became accustomed to His Ways, I began to trust Him and rely upon Him more each day, growing in His Grace as each new challenge arose. And, as my trust and reliance upon Him increased, I found that it was easier to believe and accept His Word for my life, helping me to live and overcome in life’s everyday events.

It is, to be sure, a learning and growing process, and it certainly doesn’t happen overnight. That is what we hope these pages and these teachings will do for you...help you to learn to know Him better, trust Him more and become stronger and stronger, until you are perfect and complete in Him.

For you can be sure of this: Every bit as much as you may feel that you need the LORD to help you or deliver you or keep you in the situations of your life, we, the Body of Christ, also need you to be mature and strong and at full strength in that place of ministry that the LORD has called you into and unto... and yes, He does have a work for you to do!

Gifts, Ministry & the Calling of God

Ephesians 4:11-13 • “(The five-fold Ministry Gifts are given) for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the Body of Christ; till we all come in to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ.”

That is what the Word will do for us. That is what the Gifts, the Callings (see Romans 11:29, 1st Corinthians 1:26 & 1st Cor.7:20-24) and the Ministry of the Body of Christ will do for us. That is why we need to know, believe and trust in His Holy Word. Keeping this goal in mind, we hope to bring informative, encouraging and fresh perspectives on what God is doing in His Body today. One thing we will always do is strive to provide ample scripture to “back up” any teaching, any points of view, any claims or anything that may need clarifying.

For all Christians, God’s Divinely Inspired Word must be at the heart and soul of what we believe, teach, and adhere to (see 1st Peter 1:17-25 & 2nd Timothy 3:14-17). Or, to put it another way:

Without a Scriptural Foothold, we cannot stand.

Without Scriptural Principles, we cannot walk.

And don’t even think about running” without a

Spiritual Mandate from the Lord! (see 2nd Samuel 18:22)

His Word Is Eternal

God has ordained that His Word is Eternal, and I believe it (see John 1:1-5, and plenty of accompanying marginal cross-references). Every effort will be made by this site to include more than enough book, verse and reference when it comes to teaching and principles.

Having said that, let me reiterate something that “threads” throughout all of these teachings: No one (including this site) has all of the answers to all of the questions; furthermore, no one (including this site) should take offense at being “asked” to clarify or explain or answer any question. Any teacher or minister who is offended at being asked about what he or she teaches is not a true teacher or minister anyway. So please...feel free to ask away!

If you have questions about something that may not seem clear, or something does not include enough “reference”, or even if you’d like to “voice” any disagreements about anything written here, please contact me, Gary Crisp, at this e-mail address:


Here you will find our
Statement of Faith
(What we believe)

Contents of These Pages

Following is a fairly complete listing
of all teachings within this site.
(I am updating regularly, so check back)

Abiathar, Zadok & the Church

• HERE is an Alphabetical Index of all writings •
The Archives : A thru Z

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