Hi there... It's just me, Ayzha.

Thought I'd sneak in and let you know who I really am! Fran is my real name but I have chosen to use Ayzha to forever remember a very dear pet I lost. As you can tell, I am quite fond of animals and have been all my life. There is always room for one more! My policy is, when you have as many pets as we do, what's one more! My love for animals is extended to my artwork as they are the subject of most of my paintings whether it be on watercolor paper, slate, or "eggs". I am basically a "self taught" artist and have experimented with oils, pastel, charcoal, watercolor and acrylic. Having taken all the normal art classes in school including "art appreciation" I eventually studied watercolor. With this medium I can paint soft and transparent or bold and detailed with the latter being my preference. Someone told me one time, "paint what you know best", and for me there was no thinking on that subject! I enjoy anything "artistic", including numerous crafts, (I love taking something old and bringing new life into it), photography, and writing poetry.

My love for animals has taken me through numerous dog shows, both in breed and obedience, with obedience being my priority. I have taught many classes on basic dog obedience and find much happiness in that little corner of the world. Whether it be training a dog, or raising orphaned bunnies, birds or mice, (yes wild mice,never thought I'd make it through that one!), the animal world has been and always will be a huge part of my life. So needless to say, some of my best friends are "wild"!

I am looking forward to creating a web page based on what I know and enjoy and hope I can, in some small way, bring a smile to your face. Oh, and by the way, the Liger (half lion half tiger)in the picture is not mine, just a friend!

"Dare to Care", show you love them.
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It's always a joy visiting Judy, my internet friend, because she is an animal lover and this is her family! Mattie a 21 year old Shih-Tzu, Frasier a 2 year old Dachshund and Ceasar a 5 year old 175 pound Mastiff


People always ask me what it's like to be a twin.
"I can't imagine what it's like not to be one!"

Visit Barbara's Basementand discover a world of animals!

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