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Tiger Hello

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Garden at Night

silverlotusbt.gif (2249 bytes)Summer Gardens

Garden in the Fall

Winter Gardens

Bluebird's Photos some beautiful photos taken by my mom, along with a few postcards of this area, seeing as she won't let me post some of her better work on here. 

Randor's Cats my cats, both of them, mostly as kittens, along with a picture of my pet squirrel, who is no longer with me. -sigh-

Picture Gallery This being, of course, the place that contains graphics by me; my first couple of desktop themes featuring Ioan Gruffudd both as himself and Horatio Hornblower; a rather large collection of wallpapers I've scanned in, and other tidbits I'll add as I get inspired. Comments are always welcome. :)

Blessings a mailing list moderated by me for Christian fellowship and sharing.

StarWind Gardens Bookstore Some of our favorite books and music that we'd recommend to any brave souls. :)

USS StarWind Homepage My Star Trek SIM ship. If you like Trek, and creative writing, this is a great hobby.

FaerinI must not have felt busy enough. Here's the fantasy SIM group I started and still semi-administrate. 

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