Hootie's Adventures!

Here I have gathered some of my more interesting
adventures and 'tails'. I have gathered these not to
brag of my easy life but rather to show all of the
humans out there that a dogs life isn't necessarily all
that glamorous.

I hope that you enjoy these and if you have any
questions or comments please feel free to e-mail me or
leave them in the guest book on my Hootie page.

I will now leave you to go exploring on your
own. Just remember that you are always welcome
here at Hootie's Dawghouse.


Being a LHASA.

The Lhasa Apso breed

Being A Dog is NOT Easy

My Days as a Dog

My Beginning with Sami.

How I got to Sami

Those Darn CATS.

Cutie and Kritter

My Pet Page!

Even a Dog needs Pets!

The Kitten Adventure.

The birth of MY Kittens

Hootiegirl's Page

To sign the guest book!


My HUMAN Sister!

Thank You!

My Credit and Thanks Page!

Shadow Enterprises

Silhouettes on Glass

Sami's Pages!

Sami's School Assignment

In an attempt to unclutter the DawgHouse just alittle
I have moved a few things.
Wanna see where a dog wears it's Rings?
Hooties Rings!

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My very First Award ever!

Shelties Award!

Thank you Dusty and Hunter!


My Other Awards!

Heartland Pets!

Hooties Other Registries!

News Around Geocities.
(Well the main spots that I go to...)

The Heartland Edition
Petsburgh Station
Petsburgh Party

Another spot to Check Out!

Just for Grins and Giggles!!!

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