Welcome To

Grandma's In The Guestroom



Shhhh! Here's Grandma's bed. But she's not sleeping!

Grandma is up and at 'em!
This is the purrrrr-fect place
to come visit Grandma while she's here.

Grandmas' know lots of good things,
so while she's visiting she is going to
share helpful hints, recipes or whatever
is on her mind. Come visit with her and have fun
just like Sam the Ham likes to do!

Hi, this is Sam's Grandma but I am also Grandma of Dave and Jessie who live in another Wisconsin city.
My favorite thing to do is play my piano and organ ... especially the piano. I learned how to play in the third grade in Arkansas. My parents bought an old upright piano when I was very small and that instrument beckoned me to play it. I responded and have been so happy when playing ... mostly hymns.
The things most important in my life are my family, especially the three grandchildren, developing a relationship with Christ, and music.

I would like to share the following recipe with you. My mom made these for me
and my three sisters and brother. Then I made them for my two daughters and son.
Now my kids are making them for their kids. They are a treat kids as
well as adults will love!

Ritz Crackers Cheesy Marshmallow Treats

Ritz Crackers
Cheddar Cheese

Place round crackers (as many as will fill your family) on a cookie sheet.
On top of the cracker, put a square of cheddar cheese and top each one with
a marshmallow. Place under broiler until marshmallows are golden brown.
Take out and serve warm or cold. Enjoy!

These links are encouraging for me.
I would like to share them with you ... Grandma
Daily Bread
Spurgeon's Morning and Evening
The Cyber Hymnal
The Reminder Homepage
Ben Byrd's Christian Web World

Please come visit me again soon for something new!

E-mail me.
I would love to hear from you!

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