Resources for Interracial Issues Effecting all Interracial Families

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All One Heart - Diversity Education for all of us, and especially our kids. Great Site, not just for Interracial Families.

Americans Against Discrimination and Preferences - This has news about Affirmative Action issues, race and related topics.  Excellent place to keep up with legislation concerning how Interracial children and adults are counted/classified.

Americans Against Racial Classifications - Another great place to keep abreast of issues that effect how our children are counted.  If you're tired of checking "other" or having to choose one race over another on school, doctor, government or other forms, this is the place you want to go.

Interracial Voice - Probably the best list of links there ever was for/about Interracial Issues... Make sure you click on the home page and spend some time on the whole site.  An excellent place to visit.  This was the first place I went to on the web when I was pregnant and looking for interracial links.  

 Resources for or about our Children

Biracial Kids - A place where biracial kids can go and talk to other kids about things that effect them and are important to them.

Center for the Study of Biracial Children - An excellent study and one all parents of biracial children should look into.

Nick Jr. - My Mikey loves this channel... the games are cute, too.

PBS Kids - Reading Rainbow often has stories showcased which are of an interracial or multicultural theme.

Interracial Children's Literature Bibliographies - I wish I had seen this when Mikey was just little... I really had to dig, dig, dig to find books with interracial children's themes.  Wonderful resource!

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - An interesting article, which not only gives statistics about how fast the interracial population is growing, but how our kids are faring psychologically - I was pretty pleased! !

iMelting Pot has the largest selection of multicultural gifts that reflect the many diverse people we see each day. Together we bring unique qualities that add flavor in this wonderful "melting pot" we call home... let us celebrate our differences!

Multicultural Store - Wonderful resource for toys, dolls, cards, books and more that all have a multi-cultural, interracial or multi-racial aspect.  I finally found a doll for Mikey here that was just his color.  Wonderful source!

Resources for Single Parents

Parents Without Partners - This group has been around for a lonng time, and has individual chapters throughout the U.S.  I bet there's one in your town.

Welfare Mom - I found this site very insightful.  When I was laid off while pregnant with Eli, I was treated pretty shabbily when trying to redeem WIC vouchers, etc.  Welfare Moms are not always the stereotypical baby factories that don't want to work and don't want the kids they have... most of the time they are just single moms who got in a bind.  Check it out... good site.

Responsible Single Fathers - Hey, more and more, fathers are the ones who are taking custody of their children.  I applaud and support fathers who do this, and recognize that they face most if not all the same issues women do.  You go, guys!

Single Father's Lighthouse - Another good site for single Dads.  Lots of great links, legal issues, even cooking tips!

Single Spouse - A place for both single moms and single dads.  Cool!

Single Parents Online - Great features, including scam free home business links


I will be adding links as I come across them... and by all means, if you have a link for a favorite site, or would like to link your page to mine and mine to yours, email me and I'll take a look!

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