Tom & Linda Chilcote 191 Herlong Ave San Jose, Ca 95123

Our house is located about 5 miles south of Downtown San Jose off Hwy 101. FROM DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE: Travel south on Hwy 101 and take the Blossom Hill Rd Turn off. Turn right on Blossom Hill and travel approx 1/8 mile to Beswick. Turn left on Beswick and travel 2 long blocks to Pentz. Turn right on Pentz. Drive 2 blocks on Pentz and you will dead end into Herlong Ave. Turn right and drive to 191 Herlong Ave. (you can't miss it) !--Free map from Vicinity-->
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FROM HWY 85: Take the Cottle Road turn off and travel north approx 1/8 mile. Turn left on Beswick (Carls Jr Resturant) and drive 2 blocks to Pentz. Turn left on Pentz and drive 2 blocks until you dead end into Herlong. Turn right and drive to 191 Helong Ave. (you can't miss it) For more detailed directions use "" and click on "Get Directions"


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