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  A life in victory through Jesus

You live your life here on earth trying to get peace and joy and happiness.
You are searching here and the there to get an answer.
What's the meaning of life, is there not something more.
You are trying to search in drugs, alcohol, sex, and making much money on your carrier, but still you have the feeling inside is there not something more, when the party is over, when you wake up with headache because you were drinking to much, when you are alone.
Your friends are living you and your husband/wife has left you are alone grieved by the life.
This emptiness are hard for you. Is there anyone that can help me?
This day you read the message that can change your life, from minus to plus, from frustration and fear to peace, from death to live, from darkness to life.



God created a perfect world. The world was perfect there were no sin, sickness, hatred, fear! It was total peace and they know God. 
But man turned there back on God they wanted to be their own gods, they was in rebellion against God and open up for Satan to take the authority over the earth and everything evel start to fill the earth as a result of sin. Hatred, fear, sickness, war, everything evil came because of sin.

  Jesus is your solution!
   God loved the world so much that he wanted to change the situation. 
He sent his Son, Jesus to the world and die on a cross as a redemption for the sin of the world.
Jesus came lived and he died on a cross, on the cross he toke all punishment for sin, he toke all sicknesses and deceases in his body. He toke the punishment so that we can have peace in mind. He took our sicknesses, then we can be healed!
  Today, you can get a new start in life!  
  Jesus died for your sin, he took your sickness and your in his body on the cross. Because he took it, you can be free and healed today, Jesus will be your best friend and you will have an eturnal life in heaven. 
The only thing you need to do, is to receive him in your heart and you will be saved.
If repeat this your life will start.
"Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for me, and rose again. I confess you now as my Lord and saviour!"
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