One day a cat died of natural causes and went to Heaven. Greeting him, the Lord said, You've lived a good life. If there is any way I can make your stay in Heaven more comfortable, please let Me know." The cat thought for a minute and said, "Well, all my life I lived with a poor family and had to sleep on a hard wooden floor..."

The Lord stopped the cat and said, "Say no more!" Just then a wonderfully fluffy pillow appeared and the cat contentedly wandered off to find a good place to nap.

A few days later, six mice killed in a tragic farm accident went to Heaven. The Lord was there to greet them with the same offer. The mice answered, "All of our lives we've been chased. We've had to run from cats, from tractors, even from that farmer's wife with her broom. We're tired of running..."

"Say no more!" The Lord replies. In a flash, each mouse was fitted with a beautiful new pair of roller skates, and they skated happily off to explore the Heavenly landscape.

About a week later, The Lord stopped by to see the cat and found him snoozing away. He gently woke the cat and asked, "How are things since you got here?" The cat stretched, yawned, and replied, Oh, it's wonderful here. I get lots of great sleep on this pillow, and those Meals on Wheels You've been sending are the BEST!!!"

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