JERVIS- At Amityville, L. I. On January 22, Mrs. ELIZABETH JERVIS, age 100 years and 6 Months. Wife of the late Joel Jervis.

LAIRD- Suddenly Tues., January 22, JOHN J. LAIRD, age 46. Funeral from his residence, 222 State St., Interment at Holy Cross Cem.

MASON- At 370 Cliften place, January 22, WILLIAM MASON, age 64.

MacDonald- MARGARET WILTSEE, beloved wife of George Macdonald Interment at Cypress Hills.

McMONAGLE- On Tues., January 22, DANIEL J. McMONAGLE.

REYOLDS- At 41 3rd St., on Tues., January 23, FANNIE G. REYNOLDS. Funeral Thurs., January 24, from the residence of her brother, 482 Ninth St. (Philadelphia papers please copy)

SNEDEKER- Suddenly of pneumonia, on January 21, at 152 Seventh Av., MARY JANE SNEDEKER, age 37, wife of Captain Amos W. Sanford. Funeral at her late residence Thurs.

TAYLOR- On Tues., January 22, ELIZABETH, eldest d/o the late Henry and Eliz. Taylor. Funeral at the residence of her Brother-in-law, James R. Davies, 216 Jefferson Av.

THOMPSON- On Tues., January 22, Mrs. CORNELIA R. THOMPSON, mother of A. Roosevelt Thompson, Dr. Merritt L. Thompson and James Walter Thompson, age 86. Funeral at 382 Adelphi St. Interment at Maplewood Cem. Pittsfield Mass.

TUCK- SARAH M. MITCHELL, widow of the late Henry Tuck. Funeral from her late residence, 980 Pacific St. Interment in Holy Cross Cem.

WAGNER- On Tues., January 22, at his residence, 1008 Lafayette Av., PHILIP WAGNER, age 84. Funeral from his late home.

Anityville, L. I., January 23, Mrs. Elizabeth Jervis, widow of Joel Jervis, died at this place yesterday at the age of 100 years, 6 months, and 2 days. Mrs. Jervis lived at the residence of her son, Scudder C. Jervis.

In the Eagle of July 20, 1894, the following was contained in a dispatch recounting a celebration of Mrs. Jervis 100th birthday:
About forty direct descendants of Mrs. Jervis came out from Brooklyn this morning and a fete is being held in the orchard, under the shade of trees that have been standing for a century or more.
Mrs. Jervis, who is in the possession of all her faculties and still quite vigorous, is outdoors with the party, taking a lively interest in the festivities.
Her descendants living today number seven children, 19 grand children, 60 great great grandchildren, and three great great grandchildren--a total of eighty-nine. Nearly all of these are attending the celebration and many of them are Brooklynites.

The children are: Mrs. Phebe J. Van Buren, Miss Eliza Jervis, Scudder C. Jervis, Mrs. Ezra R. Sammis, H. Clark, S. Jervis, William I. Jervis, Mrs. Adele J. Vogt. The grandchildren are: Perlee V. Jervis, Frank Terry Jervis, George Jervis, Joshua Jervis, Arthur N. Jervis, Mrs. Ida Jervis Schepmoes, Miss Jessie W. Jervis,
Frederick B. Sammis, Miss Lena Sammis, Mrs. Henry Pettitt, Mrs. Henry Beers, Mrs. Alonzo Conklin, Mrs. Joel Ardiner, Mordaut Smith, Horace M. Smith, Joel Smith, Henry Smith, William W. Smith.

As most of these children have their husbands or wives and their children with them the family reunion is one of considerable proportions. The eldest of Mrs. Jervis' children is 76. She has lost only one, a Mrs. Gilbert Smith, who died at Huntington eight years ago.

Mrs. Jervis is a wonderfully well preserved woman. The luxuriant tresses for which she was noted in girlhood and which became a family feature in the descendants of her own sex, have almost defied time.
She reads without the aid of glasses, hears well, moves about unassisted and has always a trace of color in her cheeks. She never has experienced any kind of illness.
She was born in Brooklyn and she with her descendants represents some of the oldest of Long Island families. She was the only child of Henry Clark Smith and Jemimt Terry.
Her father was a son of Col. William Smith, governor of Tangiers, who, in 1690, purchased a strip of Long Island fifty miles wide and extending from the sound to the bay.
This was known as Setauket. From him sprang the families known as the Brookhaven Smiths, Smithtown Smiths and Tangiers Smiths.
The mother of Mrs. Jervis was a daughter of Jeremiah Terry of Sayville. Joel Jervis, to whom the centenarian was married in 1816, traced his lineage to Stephen Jervis, who landed in Primrose in 1637.
From this ancestor the line ran back to a Gervaise who crossed with William the Conqueror and settled in Scotland. Lord Jervis, the Earl St., Vincent, represented the English branch of the family.
Joel Jervis was the only son of Phebe Carll of Joseph I. Jervis, who, by a second marriage, had seven children, one of them being John B. Jervis, the engineer of the first croton aqueduct and the man after whom Port Jervis, NY, was named.

ADAMS- On January 23, MARGARET A, wife of the late Thomas C. Adams, aged 45 years 10 days. Services on Sat., January 26, at 8 P.M. at her late residence, 468 Waverly Av.
Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Interment private.

CAREY- On Thurs., January 24, of pneumonia, ELIZA CAREY, formerly Eliza Casey, beloved wife of Patrick Casey. Relatives and friends are invited to attend.

MEHAN- On Wed., January 23, MARY, beloved wife of John Martin, in her 38th year. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, 158 Fifth Av., on Fri., morning, at 9 o'clock; thence to St., Augustine's Church,
where a solemn requiem mass will be offered for the repose of the soul.

MOWREY- On, January 22, ROBERT J. C, eldest son of Paul M. And Eliose S Mowrey, of Upper Montclair, N.J. Interment private.

MYNOTTE- After a short illness, on Thurs. morning, January 24, FRANCES DISTURNELL MYNOTTE, wife of Edward Mynotte, Jr. and daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Furman B. Rogers, in the 27th year of her age.

NEVINS- On January 23, 1895, MICHAEL NEVINS, beloved husband of Bridget Nevins, aged 64 years, native of Yorke parish, County Tipperary.
Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, 373 Furman st; thence to St., Charles' Church, on Sat., January 26, at 9 o'clock, where a solemn requiem Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

TOMPKINS- On January 23, HENRIETTA, wife of H. F. Tompkins and beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Mack, in the 38th year of her age.
Services at her late residence, 389 Monroe St., Fri., 8 P.M. Interment at convience of the family.

BASSETT- ETHEL H., Only child of Wyatt M. And Mary E. BASSETT, age 8 . 73 Orange St. Funeral private.

BEARNS- At San Antonio Tex., on Thurs., January 24, WILLIAM JAMES GILBERT, age 37. Son of James S. Bearns.

CHAMBERLIN- At her residence, 574 Park Place, ANNABEL, beloved wife of the late Benjamin Chamberlin.

CHICHESTER- At her residence, 41 south portland Av., Brklyn, on Thursday January 24, Mrs. CAROLINE ST., JOHN CHICHESTER, age 95
Funeral on Mon., January 28, at her late residence on East Av., Norwalk Conn.

DAVIS- On Thurs., January 24, at her residence, 154 South Third St., Brklyn, JULIA C. DAVIS, age 47.

DOUGLAS- On January 24, SARAH DOUGLAS, age 84 years, 2 months 18 days. Funeral at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Redfield Force,
884 Lafayette Av. (Bridgehampton and Sag Harbor papers please copy)

FELVER- On Thurs., January 24, EMMA GOULD, wife of Hiram Feiver age 34. Funeral Sat. at 358A Fourteenth St.

HAMPSON- On January 23, from pneumonia, at St., Peter's Hospital, JOHN HAMPSON, beloved husband of Margaret Hampson, age 50. Funeral from his late residence, 889 Dean St., Sun Phil Sheridan Post, G. A. R. invited to attend.

Ketcham- On Thurs. January 24, at the residence of his uncle, John K. Powell, 155 Hendrix St. ALEXANDER, son of the late Ebeneza and Emma Ketcham.
Funeral will be held Sat., January 26, from Farmingdale L. I.

KNAPP- LILLY WHITTEMORE, beloved wife of Charles L. Knapp, age 32. Funeral will be held at her late residence, 186 Adelphi St., Saturday morn. Burial at New Haven, Conn.

LANOIR- On January 23, JOSEPHINE LANOIR, wife of P.L. Lanoir funeral held at her late residence, 344 Monroe St.

LEWIS- On Thurs., January 24, CHARLOTTE LEWIS. Funeral from her late residence, 250 Schermerhorn St., Sunday at 2 o'clock.

MACBETH- On Wed, January 23, 1895, ANN MACBETH, aged 71 years. Funeral service at late residence, 168 Franklin Av., Friday evening, January 25, 1895, at 7 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited to attend.

MERSEREAU- On Fri., January 25, 1895, at the residence of her parents, 212 President St., DOROTHY VERNON, only child of Eliza L. Vanderveer and Nicholas Rossi Mersereau, aged 11 months.

MILLER- In this city, January 24, HARRIET GENUNG, wife of the late Henry Miller, aged 79 years.
Funeral services from her late residence, 130 St., Felix St., on Mon, January 28, at 1 o'clock P.M.

McCORMICK- At the residence of her sister, Mrs. M. J. Savage, 701 Atlantic Av., KATIE E., daughter of the late Dennis McCormick.

O'NEIL- Thurs., January 24, 1895, BRIDGET CARLIN, wife of William O'Neil. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, 430 Eighteenth St., Brooklyn, on Sun. afternoon, January 27, 1895, at 3 o'clock.

SNIVELY- On January, 24 IDA E, wife of Rev. Summerfield E. Snively, M. D. Funeral St., Stevens' Church, Tenth and Chestunt sts, on Sat, the 26th, at 12 o'clock.

BENSINGER- On Fri, January 25, 1895, after a short illness, JOHN M, beloved husband of Louisa, in the 74th year of his age.
Funeral services at 8 o'clock, Sun. evening, at his late residence, 414A Kosciusko St., Brooklyn. Interment at Woodlawn Cemetery at the convenience of his family.

BURKE- At Prudence Island Light House, R. I., on the 24h inst., in his 21st year, THOMAS BURKE, Jr., eldest son of Thomas and the late Christian M. Burke.
Funeral from the residence of his uncle, James Burke, Tompkinsville, S. I., at 1 P.M., on Sun, January 27. Richmond Camp, Sons of Veterans, and friends of the family respectfully invited to attend.

CARNEY- On Thurs, January 24, MARGARET A., beloved wife of John F. Carney, in the 23d year of her age.
Funeral from her late residence, 615 Myrtle Av., corner of Kent, on Sun., January 27, at 2 P.M. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

CONRAD- At Brklyn, N.Y., Fri., January 25, LOUIS M. D., Age 37. funeral from Christ Church Bedford Av., Brklyn. Members Hyatt Lodge. No 205, F. and A., DeLong Council No. 725
R. A. Bedford Lodge. K. Of H. Chapter General Knights of St., John and Malta residence invited to attend.

Gregory- An Anniversary requiem Mass will be celebrated for JULIA E. Gregory.

FARRINGTON- On Fri., January 25, MARGARET A., widow of the late David Farrington, age 81.

MALONE- On Thurs., January 24, Nora Malone, formerly Nora Ryan, beloved wife of Denis Malone. Funeral from her late residence, 1653 Broadway. Interment at Holy Cross.

MOE- On January 25, CONRAD C. B. MOE, age 29. Funeral held at his late residence 469 6th Av.

PEYSTER- Fri., January 25, after a short illness, GERTRUDE MARIE, eldest daughter of John and Eliz. F. Peyser, funeral at the residence of her parents 126 Hooper St., Brooklyn, on Monday.

ROBBINS- On January 23, at 5 P.M. LEANDER E. ROBBINS, formerly of Mason N. H. Age 69. Funeral held from his late residence, Watkins St. near Riverdale Av., Twenty-sixth ward.

TRIMMER- On January 24, JENNIE M., Wife of Arthur Trimmer, age 34. Funeral Sunday from her late residence, 156 Skillman St.

ADAMS- Suddenly, on January 27, at his residence, 130 DeKalb Av., B. F. ADAMS, age 47. Funeral at Simpson M. E. Church, Clermont and Willoughby Avs.

BESSINGER- On Fri., January 25, after a short illness, JOHN M., Beloved husband of Louisa age 74. Funeral at his late residence, 414A Kosciusko St. Interment at Woodlawn Cem.

BISHOP- Suddenly at Denver Co., on the 25, of January, LOUIS MILTION BISHOP, Age 23.

BURKE- At Purdence Island Light House R. I. on the 24th inst., Age 21, THOMAS BURKE, Jr., eldest son of Thomas and the late Christian M. Burke. Funeral from the residence of his uncle, James Burke, Tompkinsville,
S. I. Richmond Camp, Sons of Veterans, and friends of the family invited to attend.

CAREY- On Thurs., January 24, of pneumonia, ELIZA CAREY, formerly ELIZA CASEY, beloved wife of Partick Carey. Funeral from her late residence, 615 Myrtle Av. Interment at Holy Cross Cem.

CARNEY On Thurs., January 24, MARGARET A., beloved wife of John F. Carney, age 23.

DEMUTH- On January 25, WILLIAM DEMUTH. Funeral from his late residence, 257 West 100 and 16th St., New York City.

ILSLEY- On Sat., January 26, ALFRED B., beloved husband of MINNIE ILSLEY, age 29. Funeral from residence, 152 Dean St.

LUNDEQUIST- On Sat., January 26, WILLIAM H. LUNDEQUIST, beloved husband of Eliz. Fisher and eldest son of Wm. O. and Charlotte Lundequist, age 36. Funeral from his late residence, 312 Tenth St., on Mon. Interment in Greenwood.

MASON- ELLEN, beloved wife of Edward H. Mason. Funeral from her late residence, 143 Lafayette Av.

NESTOR- On Sat., January 26, JOHN J. NESTOR, age 24. Funeral from his late residence, 216 Hudson Av. Interment in Holy Cross Cem.

SCHELL- On the 26th inst., after a short illness, HENRY S. SCHELL, age 76. Funeral from his residence, 132 Second place.

WYKES- In Brooklyn on the 24th inst., CHARLES WYKES, age 39 years 9 months. Interment in Greenwood.

BENEDICT- On January 27, ABNER AUGUSTUS, infant son of Coleridge H. And Jennie Benedict. Funeral private.

FARRELL- On Sun., January 27, JOHN FARRELL, funeral from his late residence, 168 Hudson Av.

FINN- On Sun., January 27, ANNIE, beloved daughter of James F. Finn and the late Margaret Finn. Funeral from her late residence, 348 Atlantic Av.

GREEN- Suddenly, on Sun., LEONARD GREEN, funeral from residence of his son-in-law, Thomas cregin 1581 Pacific. St.

HARVEY- On Sun., January 27, at Glen Ridge N. J., S. GEORGINA HARVEY. Funeral from residence, 40 Hillside Av.

KINSELLA- On January 28, MICHAEL KINSELLA, at his residence, 635 Vanderbilt avenue. Funeral January 30, then to St., Paul's Roman Catholic Church were mass will be offered. Interment in Holy Cross Cem.

MARTIN- On January 27, BELLE THOMPSON, beloved daughter of Charles S. And Belle Thompson Martin, age 3 1month 17 days. Funeral private from residence of her parents, 25 Lawrence St.

MClEAN- At the Graham Home, 320 Washington Av., on Sun., January 27, Miss AGNES MCLEAN, age 73. Funeral on Tues.

McNIFF- On Sun., January 27, BRIDGET McNIFF, beloved wife of Michael McNiff and daughter of the late John and Catharine Hillen, parish of Clenduff, County Down, Ireland. Funeral from her residence, 791 Kent Av., Brklyn., then to St., Patrick's Church where Mass will be offered. Interment in Holy Cross Cem.

PETERSCHEN- On Sat, January 26, ELIVRA PETERSCHEN, age 74. Funeral from her late residence, 556 Quincy St.,Brklyn

RATIGAN- MICHAEL, beloved husband of Bridget Feeley, a native of Ledwithstown, Parish of Kilcomick, County Longford, Ireland. Funeral from his late residence, 103 Sandford St., then to St. Patrick's Church were mass will be offered. Interment Holy Cross Cem.

RENKEL- At her residence, 77 Underhill Av., on January 27, CATHERINE V. RENKEL, age 16, beloved daughter of John and Martha Renkel. Funeral at Holy Cross Cemetery.

RICE- On January 28, Miss CAROLINE M. RICE, in the 65 year. Funeral at her late residence, 60 South Sixth St., Interment at Newark N. J. (Newark, N.J. papers copy)

TURNEY- On Sunday morning, January 27, James Turney, age 82. Funeral at his late residence 452 Putnam Av.

VALENTINE- On Sat., January 26, EVELYN, wife of William Valentine. Funeral from her late residence, 983 Greene Ave.

VANDERHORF- At Richmond Hill, L. I., January 27, IDA, V. B., widow of Samuel C. Vanderhorf, age 97. Funeral at the residence of her son, Thomas H. Vanderhorf, 56 Johnson St., (Matawan, N.J. papers copy)

WILLIAMS- On Sun., January 27, Cassie L., widow of the late Charles Williams in the 41st year. Fun at the residence of her brother, Frederick Smith 584 Bergen St., Brklyn. Tues.

BERKEMYER- MARY M. Beloved wife of Chas. H. Berkemyer. Funeral from her late residence, 190 Baltic St., on Thurs. Interment at Greenwood.

BRUCK- On January 28, JEROME H. BRUCK, in the 84th year. Funeral from his residence, 152 Thirty-first St., South Brooklyn, on Wed. Intermnt. in Greenwood.

BUISSON- On Sun., the 27 of January, age 33. LOUISA BUISSON of Montreal, daughter of William C. O'Keeffe, of this city.

COTTE- On January 28, CHARLES C. COTTE, page 61. Funeral held at the residence of his sister, 166 Lefferts place, on Wed. Interment at Greenwood.

DENSMORE--The funeral of Mrs. ADELA R. DENSMORE, who died in Paris, January 14th, will take place from her late residence, 461 Bedford Av., on January 30.

DUFFY- Died January 27, FRANCIS B. DUFFY, formerly of South Brooklyn, in his 67th year. Funeral from the residence of his niece, Mrs. A. J. HUXLEY, 19 Horatio St., NY, then to Church of St Bernard, Fourteenth St., Between Eighth and Ninth Avs.

DUSENBURY- Entered into rest, SARAH, widow of Dr. R. J. Dusenbury, at 4:30 A.M., January 28, age 91. Funeral to be held at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. D. Wilson, 553 Madison St., Brklyn. Interment in Greenwood.

GARDNER- On Mon. January 28, THOS. S. JR., eldest son of Carrie J. and the late Thos. S. Gardner, age 26. Funeral held at his residence, 672 Greene av.

LEHMAN- On Sun., January 27, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. JOHN E. BARNES, 471 Downing St., SOPHIA D. LEHMAN, widow of the late Samuel Lehman, age 81. Funeral private. (Springfield, Mass., and Norristown, Pa. Papers please copy.)

MATHER- On Monday, January 28, at her residence, 55 Pineapple St., Brklyn, MARY LOUISA, widow of Howard Mather and eldest daughter of the late Henry Suydam Jr. Age 67.

MULLEN- January 29th, at his residence, 940 Pacific St., CHRISTOPHER F. MULLEN, age 54. Funeral from St. Joseph's R. C. Church, Pacific Street, near Vanderbilt Av. Members of Rankin Post No 10 G. A. R. and Madison Council No. 4 C. B. L. are invited to attend.

McGURRIN- At his residence, 179 Jefferson Av., after a long illness, PATRICK J. McGURRIN. Interment at Holy Cross Cem.

OSTRANDER- At his residence, 95 Clark St., on Tues., January 29, FERDINAND WILLIAM OSTRANDER, M. D. Age 91.

PHILLIPS- In this city, January 29, FRANCIS PHILLIPS, youngest son of John R. and the late Mary S. Phillips, age 32. Funeral at his late residence, 230 Eckford St.,Greenpoint, on Wed.

VAN HORN- Of typhoid fever, on the 28th inst., BURT VAN HORN III. Only child of Burt Van Horn, Jr. and Helen Singer Hyde, and grandson of Hon. Burt Van Horn, age 12 years 4 months. Funeral at residence of aunt, Mrs. Frank Haviland, 66 Willow St.

WHITE- On January 28, SARAH, wife of the late Robert White, age 46. Funeral at her late residence, 344 19th St.

BERKEMEYER- MARY M., beloved wife of Chas. H. BERKEMEYER. Funeral from her late residence, 190 Baltic St. Interment at Greenwood. CRANE- On Tues., January 29th, MARY CRANE, age 45. Funeral from her home at 632 Myrtle av.

CHAPMAN- At his residence, 13 Montague Terrace, Brklyn., Wed, January 30, ISAAC F. CHAPMAN, age 82 and 9 months.

FARRELL- On January 28, after a lingering illness, GEORGE L., youngest son of Delia and the late J. H. Farrell. Funeral from St. Patrick's Cathedral, NY. Interment in Calvary.

FOOTE- Suddenly, on Tuesday, January 29, ARTHUR WELLINGTON FOOTE. Funeral from late residence, 114 Willoughby Av., near Clinton.

GILLEN- On Tues., January 29th, LIZZIE, the beloved wife of Charles Gillen. Funeral on Fri., Feb. 1, from her late residence, 591 Clinton St., then to St. Mary's Church Court and Nelson Sts.

HESLIN- KATIE R., beloved wife of John and daughter of the late Charles and Annie Connors, age 29. Funeral from her late residence, 28 park Av.

HUDSON- At Ottumwa, Iowa, January 26, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. John Martin, GEORGE HUDSON, of Brooklyn, NY. Funeral at the residence of his son, G. H. Hudson, 343 Dean St. Interment at Greenwood.

LEVERICH- After a short illness, CHARLES B. LEVERICH, D. D. S., in the 26th year. Son of the late Caleb J. LEVERICH. Funeral will be held at his late residence, 80 Lafayette Av. Members of the Second Signal Corps N. G., NY are invited to attend,

MARSHALL- On Wed. January 30, KATE MARSHALL, at her parents' residence, 47 Vanderbilt St. Funeral Thurs.

MONSEES- Suddenly, on January 29, John, beloved son of George and Annie Monsees, age 7. Funeral from his late residence, 75 Third Av., on Thurs.

PATTERSON- On Wed., January 30th, at her residence, 113 Tillary St., MARY PATTERSON, mother of Michael Cody. Funeral at St., James's catherdral.

PLATT- Tuesday, January 29, CHARLES E. PLATT, beloved husband of Mary F. Platt and only son of Charity Platt. Funeral January 31 at 152 Macon.

QUINLAN- On January 29, ELLEN SHINE, beloved wife of Jeremiah Quinlan, native of Meelin, County Cork, Ireland. Funeral from late residence, Dresden St., near Atlantic Av., then to the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, where a mass will be offered.

SCOVILLE- On Tues., January 29, ELIZABETH HASBROUCK, wife of John F. Scoville, age 83. Funeral at her late residence, 96 Layfayette Ave.

STEWART- Suddenly, January 29, of pneumonia, ANNA K., beloved sister of Seth T. and daughter of Catherine and the late Alexander Stewart. Funeral at the residence of her brother, 1082 Dean St. Interment in Cincinnati, O.

STOLTZ- Jan 29, CONRAD STOLZ, at his residence, age 68. Funeral from German Lutheran Church, Schermerhorn St., near Court. Interment at Greenwood.

TOWNSEND- On Wed., January 30, at his residence, 137 Remsen, CHARLES A. TOWNSEND, 79.

TOWER- At Philadelphia, on Sat., January 26, ROBERT TOWER, son of the late Julius Tower, age 58.

TOWER- By accident on railroad, at Coatesville, Ind., on Mon., January 28th, SARAH CRIFFIN, wife of W. Scott Tower of Carthage, Mo. Notice of funeral in New York Herald tomorrow.

DITMARS- On Wed., January 30, GITTY REMSEN, widow of James Ditmars, age 76. Funeral at residence of her son, John Ditmars, 800 Carroll St., Brklyn.

DOUGLAS- On Thurs., January 31, at his residence, 194 Madison St., ALEXANDER B. DOUGLAS, age 74

GILDERSLEEVE- On January 30, EDWARD J., son of Edward J. Jr. and Martha Gildersleeve, age 2 years and 3 months. Funeral to be held at residence of parents, 52 15th Street, South Brklyn.

HIBBETS- On January 30, John J. BIBBETS, son of Roderick Hibbets, age 22. Funeral from the residence of his father, 56 Willoughby St.

KENNY- On January 30, Joseph, beloved son of the deceased Michael and Margaret Kenny. Funeral from his late residence, 135 11th St.

LUCK- On January 30, at her residence, Newkirk Av. and Brighton Beach Railway, Flatbush, KATHERINE BOLLIGNER, beloved wife of Ferdinand Luck. Funeral from her late residence on Fri. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

MCGAUGHIN- On Thurs., January 31, at his residence, 1113 Fulton St., JAMES McGAUGHIN, age 58.

McKANE- LILLIE BAKER, beloved wife of James KcKane, and daughter of Mary and the late Charles Baker.

O'SULLIVAN- At his residence, 43 Third St., JOHN O'SULLIVAN. Funeral on Feb. 2 from home.

PETTIT- MARY A. PETTIT, widow of the late Samuel L. Pettit, age 77. Funeral from residence, 43 Pulaski St. Interment Sat. at Hempstead, L. I. (California papers please copy)

ROSWAN- CHARLOTTE ROSWAN, widow of the late Daniel Roswan and mother of Mrs. John A. Nichols, of this city.

SMYLIE- On Thurs., January 31, Wilhelmina A. Widow of Chas. A. Smylie age 57.

TITTEMORE-On Thurs., January 31, Florence Elizabeth, wife of Dr. N. Tittemore, age 47. Funeral at residence, 930 Madison St., Interment will be in Vermont.

WARNER- On January 31, Captain Charles E. Warner. Funeral from Dr. Houghton's Church, Twenty-ninth St.

ADDOMS- Jan. 31, PHOEBE ROSALIE, daughter of the late William Addoms.

BINGHAM- On Thurs, January 31, MARY RENNY, wife of the late Francis Bingham.


BOATE- January 31, GERALD, son of John G. Boate

COLE- Thurs. January 31, after lingering illness, MARY L. COLE. COLES- LYDIA, widow of late Jacob Coles, January 31.


DUGARD- January 30, GEORGE W., after short illness.

FALLON- Feb 1., ETTIE MALIN, wife of John Fallon.

GARDEN- January 31, MRS. MARGARET GARDEN. Age 78 HIBBETS- January 30, JOHN J., son of Roderick Hibbets, age 22.

MCGAUGHIN- Age 58, JAMES, died January 31.

OMEL- January 31, Mrs. HENRIETTA OMEL, age 20 yrs. 11 months.

PALMER- ANNIE, widow of the late Henry Palmer, Feb. 1. Funeral from her son-in-law George Watson, 763 Herkimer.

PRESTON- January 31. MARY E., wife of Henry G. Preston.

RUSSELL- On Thurs. January 31, JACOB RUSSELL, age 68

SEIBERT- On Thurs., JACOB SEIBERT, age 58.

TUTHILL SMITH Aunt Abbey Tuthill Smith Obituary record. Brooklyn Daily Eagle July 21 1895 Mrs Abigail Tuthill Smith known as Aunt Abbey, the oldest person of Long Island, died of old age at the home of her daughter Mrs J. Smith in Patchoque, lastt night. She had been confined to bed since two years ago when she broke her hip in a fall. Previous to that time she had been very active and would make daily visits among her friends. She had been quite well up to the hour of her death and was conscious almost to her last breath. A few minutes before she died she remarked to her friends surrounding her "I'm going home" She closed her eyes and passed away peacefully. Mrs. Smith was born April 19, 1799 at the Tutlehouse on Atlantic Ave. Her ancestors came from England, her grandfather having been killed in the Revolutionary war. Her father Ezra Tuthill was a methodist preacher and founded methodism in Patchoque. He died in 1854 at 90. Her mother, Charity Smith was a daughter of John Smith, a lineal descendent of the famous Bull Smith who founded the present Smithtown. Aunt Abbey was married young had several children four now living. She is survived by Mrs Lyara M. Eaton W. S. Smith -Mexico Mrs. J. Smith , Sixteen Grandchildren, 15 Great-grandchildren and 1 great-great grandchild.

THAYER Long Island Obiturary Record.1895 George A. Thayer of the firm of Cambell and Thayer oil merchants, of this city died suddenly at his country residence. He was injured by the overturning of his wagon. He had been confined to his home ever since but was not considered in a critical condition, his only injuries being a few bruises. He suffered consideralby from shock however and his heart action was affected. This morning Mr. Thayer arose about 6 o'clock and while dressing fell back upon the bed unconscious. Death followed befroe the arrival of Dr. J. H. Bogart who was hastily summoned. Mr. Thayer was well known in Brooklyn. He was 73 years old and consisered one of the wealthiest men in this section of the island, his property being the largest and finest around. Deceased leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters. Funeral on Monday from Residence 103 pierrpont st.

Locust Valley, Long Island Feb 24th 1897
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Newman, who died Saturday in her 103rd year, took
place Monday afternoon at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Wanser, with whom she has lived since 1858.
Mrs. Newman, a full description of whose life was published in the Eagle on August 30 last, was born in Thenford, Northhamptonshire, England in the summer of 1794.
Her maiden name was Mary Needle. In early life she was married to Eli Butler and they had 7 children. After his death in 1838 she married Richard Newman, a widower with 4 children, one of whom is Mrs. Simon J. Schermerhorn of Ashford Place, Brooklyn,
and the other, Mrs. Mary Slach, is a nurse in the Long Island State Hospital at King's Park. Before coming to America, Mrs. Mary Newman had 2 children, Mrs. John Wanser of Locust Valley and Mrs. Bessie Hooper of Bridgeport.
The Newmans arrived at Flushing in 1840. and worked for William Prince, the nursery man for 17 years. In 1858, the family removed to Locust Valley where the husband died in 1872. It is estimated that Mrs. Newman has over 100 grandchildren and there are 17 great-grandchildren living in Locust Valley.
Mrs. Newman was a strict episcopialian. A brother in England 2 years her senior survived the deceased. He fought under Wellington and received a small pension from the British government.
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