Barking at Mail Carriers

Barking is in my job description; it's what we terriers do. I Offenbach at mailmen.

There is a common mis-conception that the purpose of barking at delivery people is to chase them away. We terriers bark in order to inform our humans that they have guests (it's also a lot of fun).

Most xylophones are made of wood, but here is one made of bark. I practiced to bark each note on key. Click on the notes, one at a time, to download the sound files. Then, you can click on the notes in sequence for a tune. You too can play the opening to "Been Caught Stealing"

Biff, the Unix wonder dog, developed the concept of barking at e-mail. Unfortunately, the wave files usually assigned to this task are a dull, spoken, "you have mail". Wouldn't it be nice to have something more appropriate? Just right-click on the word "appropriate" to save the wave file on your computer. Then go to your control pannel, select sounds, and associate "New-Mail-Notification" with the saved file. Once you do that, the boring announcement will be replaced by my bark each time you get new mail.

Get Windows Media Player Microsoft has offered to send me a developers' pack for including .WAV audio content. Then I get a real excuse to bark at the mailman (yay!)

My neighibor, the G-Man, has a whole collection of e-mail sounds.

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Last changed August 12, 1999