
Here are some Karla pictures

I have so enjoyed playing with our kids this summer. We have played at the beach, pool, back yard, water park and anywhere else that suited our fancy. Living in this sub-tropical playground definitely has it's advantages!!

T.J. and Lani were two very special students to me this year as I interpreted for them at one of the high schools here. I loved using my interpreting skills during the morning hours while Todd enjoyed some wonderful time with our boys. T.J. and Lani began coming to youth group and even went with us on our spring break trip this year. They were exposed to the Gospel for the very first time and were pretty amazed at the newness of it all. Oh, pray for them. Pray that God would continue to reveal Himself to them and that they would choose to respond to His invitation. This school year I will only be working with Lani and will limit my hours to just two or three mornings a week.

Brittany and two other gals (not pictured here) were in my discipleship group this year. What a delight they were to my heart as I watched them fall more in love with Jesus. Brittany and I joined forces this year in praying for precious Monica. Our prayer was that as we shared the Gospel that Monica would choose to commit her heart to Jesus. Wow, we had some wonderful times of sharing, heart searching, questions and laughter. Monica went to the states for college without committing her heart to Jesus yet. Pray for God to continue drawing her in such obvious ways.

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Last Updated August 18, 1997 by Todd & Karla Tillapaugh