I will attempt to shed some light on the subject of aliens and the UFO phenomenon from a christian perspective.

What I believe!

First, let me say that these views are my opinion, and I in no way judge you on your own feelings and beliefs. I just want to let others like you know what I believe about aliens and ufos. I also want to understand what others believe about this subject. I will be looking at this subject from a biblical perspective. I will attempt to prove why I do not believe aliens are extraterrestrial life forms from other planets and why this is the correct response to the alien and ufo phenomenon.

What exactly are aliens and ufo's and does the bible give us any clues to what they are? Because I really do not want to go into alot of scripture in trying to answer this question I will just throw out my views on what I believe aliens and ufo's to be.

You may e-mail me or just leave me a note in my guestbook on what you think too. Like I said I'm trying to prove my point and I would also like to understand your opinion.

You may find this somewhat weird but I truely believe that the alien and ufo phenomenon is real, but a hoax created by Satan to get our attention away from the true creator (Jesus) on the created (Satan). If you know anything about the bible you will know that Satan was the most powerful angel God ever created. He eventually, because of pride fell and was cast out of the upper regions of heaven with one third of the other angels who also rebelled against God.

Why would Satan go to such lengths to devise this great deception? First, I believe Satan is trying to discredit creation by God by showing that we are not alone in the universe. Secondly, we get so focused on this phenomenon that we spend much time, and in some cases our entire lives trying to figure out exactly what are aliens and ufo's. Thirdly, because we allow ourselves to get involved so completly, we are susceptible to deception. This is where the problem lies.

How does Satan get us confused?

One example, by: Scott P Wilson

Many people are confused about Ezekial chapter 1. Many people claim that this is a blatent example of UFO's. While their are many places in the Bible that support the fact that man was visited by the rebel ben Elohim (fallen sons of God), Ezekial Chapter 1 does not describe UFO's.

15 Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.

16 The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

17 When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went.

18 As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.

19 And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. (Ezekial 1:15-19)

The living creatures are the four points of the zodiac. The zodiac alludes to the coming of Christ (Genesis 1:14, not astrology but Biblical astronomy). Cherubim (order of angels) reflect the glory of God as does the zodiac. They are all interconnected according to God's plan. Satan has perverted Biblical astronomy with astrology. Satan can't do anything original so he just messes up and takes credit for what God has already done.

The wheel in the middle of a wheel are the terrestrial planets going around in their orbits. And when the living creatures went, this refers to the constellations of the zodiac as they went around the heavens. And the wheels went by them, the planets in their orbits went around with the constellations. and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up, the constellations orbit along a wheel just like the planets.

And lastly and their rings were full of eyes round about them four, this refers to the Zophim (the Watchers) as this is the same root word in the Hebrew as eyes.

So read Ezekial in this context and it should open up a comlpletely new perspective, it did for me. Don't take my word for it, let Scripture confirm it for itself.

With regards to the validity of the UFO phenomenon. When you weed through the hoaxes, confused sightings and everything else their is a genuine phenomenon. I am aware that the government has quite a technology in this area as well. The government could stage an event to help the world fall into this world government system.

Also I am quite sure (Hey I am positive) that there is an alien scenario as well. But these so called aliens are just demons decieving. 2 Thessolonians 2:10-12 warns us of a powerful delusion that will take place in the last days.

Yeshua warned us that it would be like the days of Noah in the last days. When you study Genesis (and the rest of the Old Testament for that matter) it is apparent that some of the Son's of God (benei Elohim or angels) took human women and had hybrid babies with them. I believe Satan was trying to pervert the genetic code to prevent the birth of the Messiah. I believe this is again happening these days.

This is why we must warn Christians of the danger of the UFO phenomenon. Many people refuse to take it seriously and it will take them by surprise. When these aliens turn up to bring 'peace and safety' the world will embrace them. They will claim to be our creators (they seeded the planet). The scientific community will love this scenario as it will patch up the problems they have with their evolution theory. God tells us in the Bible that the heart of men is dark and that we avoid the light. This is why man will believe a lie and will be so certain of the truth of this lie. Let us be right with the Lord so He will give us discernment.

Trouble is coming and SOON, so it is essential we seek God's face NOW. We must live HOLY lives. We must get rid of any wrinkles we may have. God will protect His own.

The thing that concerns me is that this planet is about to be invaded by demonic forces like never seen before. If you think it is bad now, just wait and see what is coming. That is why when the full force of these events occur it will be to late to seek God's face because this delusion is going to be so POWERFUL. Christians need to take all that is going on in the world seriously. Playing church is simply not good enough. Let's get sealed with this outpouring of the Holy Spirit that God has promised.

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