I'm just starting on this page..My dad passed on Augs. 6, 1998. There is a story that goes with his passing that I'm going to share with all, so maybe if you are having problem with your parents or kids, or relationships, my story can help..Please come back to this page for updates..I will be working on it as much as I can, with the emotions that I have I want it to be just right to maybe help others..God Bless..Linda

UPDATE: I know I have lots who have been e-mailing me about this page..It is very hard to put into words my life with my dad, and then his death, I am still going thur a lot of mixed feeling about it..I have written what I'm going to put on here, now I will read it again, and hope it will help others, that is my point. Looking for just the right background and then it will be up and running..And my healing will begin, because I will have brothers, sister, and other family memeber that will be reading this, and we have never ever talked about it before..Thank you for caring enough to write..I am working on it, and I'm sure Tammi and I will come up with just the right background and graphics..Hugs to all..



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By: Lady T