~Welcome To Net-Prayer~

I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit Net-Prayer.Here you will find some prayers that others have sent in , in hopes of having others share their hearts and Prayers for their loved ones.Through out the tests of times we all have had someone we love fall sick or in need of support,So please if you have a few minutes to spare follow the link I have provided for you to take to my prayer page. Also,I would really love it if you took the time to view my other pages and find out more about me and my family. Again,Thank you for stoping by and please remember to sign my guestbook before you leave :o)

"A moment of prayer can offer a life time
of hope for everyone. And remember,
"Hope" is the only true reality, so create a
reality today for yourself and someone else......"

I have added two pages to my Home on the Web..I would like to explain what they mean to me..~BLESSINGS~ This page is for a Blessing God has given you or maybe someone else has given you that has touched your heart and you would like to share it with us..example, My Granddaughter, maybe a special hug, or a special saying, or a friend..Anything that you consider a Blessing that you would like to warm someones heart with... ~ANSWERS TO A PRAYER~ These are prayers we have ask God to please answer or help us with an answer with..It is always nice to hear when your prayers have been answered and all is going well..God answers prayers all the time and gives us the answers we are looking for, sometime it helps others to hear your Joys... I hope this explains to you what these pages are meant for, and please e-mail me if you have anything your would like to add to these pages..Thank you so very much..God Bless

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"If we could perceive our angels for just
a single day, this world would never be the same again,
nor would it ever wish to be."
We all have our own angels- friends, family..and those
we haven't met yet.

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By: Lady T