Proud to be Canadian!!

last updated December 17, 1999


It is so wonderful being back in this city. Yes it is winter and it is getting prety cold out, but I am really enjoying it. It is a pretty cool city to live in...there is a lot of history and many things to see and do. I find it a city full of opportunities and have been lucky enough to have found employment I love and on top of it all get to be back around my parents.

One of my favorite places in Winnipeg is the Assiniboine Zoo. It is an incredible place that my son and myself have spent many hours of fun at. To find out more about the zoo, click on the picture below!

Another thing I never had a chance to do when I lived in Winnipeg before was to take the tour on the Prairie Dog...the old steam train. Hopefully, this time around I will make that a priority. The tour is supposed to be very scenic and a whole lot of fun. Click below to find out more about this!!

If you are interested in the City of Winnipeg and what all there is to see and do around the city and province, click on the icon below to visit Manitoba's Tourism Centre.