Links : Language & Scrabble 
Updated: January 9.1999

Scrabble Sites: General
Scrabble FAQ : These pages from Steve Alexander are an excellent information source for all things Scrabble. Here you can also find such information as the rules of Scrabble (always helpful!), ratings of players (Did you know that a surprising number of top players come from Thailand?), location of sanctioned tournaments, playing hints, etc.
Nancy's Scrabble Homepage: This helpful page also has good links to other Scrabble sites.
Charles Goldstein's Ultimate Guide to Scrabble Websites
NSA : The National Scrabble® Association Home Page features NSA news, membership information, club and tournament lists.
Tim and Glo's Scrabble Site
The Scrabble Connection
The San Jose Scrabble Club has, among other features, excellent word lists.
Scrabble Info & Resources has a good selection of links, especially international.
Bob's Scrabble site is one of the best I've seen. An excellent source for lists and good information on online Scrabble.
Another fun site is Kelly's Scrumdiddlyumptious Scrabble Site.

Games: Software & Internet
X-Words is the best Scrabble game I've found for the Mac. My personal favorite. See Steve Alexander's link above for an exhaustive list of other games.
Another Mac Scrabble Game; Ortograf by Logiciels. 

John Chew's Page: Scrabble and other interests are at this site.
He also has this DOoM site that he maintains. What is DOoM? (no, my keyboard is just fine, thank you) Read the FAQ and find out. Mr. Chew runs two servers for Scrabblers and most of the world's top players play here. There are ospd, osw,sowpods, and french dictionaries available. Also here you will find online bots if humans aren't available.
Here is a top-notch site from Down-Under that has, among other things, Scrabble via Telnet. I learned here about the recent Australia/New Zealand Tournament. The Aussies eked out the victory but New Zealand has a spiffier national anthem. Check them out.
The SOWPODS are coming! The SOWPODS are coming! Well.....maybe. Just in case, here is the SOWPODS Scrabble Home Page. What, you don't know what SOWPODS is/are? And you call yourself a Scrabble expert! 

Scrabble Helps
BigDoggy Scrabble Page : This is a really helpful page for serious Scrabble study. Lots of good general advice as well as other help. An excellent site. You can also download  or order wordlists from the same site. 
My own anagram pages might be amusing. Here is where you can find pages 2, 3 and 4 of my anagram sentences.
Anagram Insanity : Lots of fun but not really helpful for high-octane Scrabble study. You can adjust the search to get only one word anagrams. However, a lot of OSPD words aren't listed.
Web Scrabble Homepage ...auf deutsch, sogar! 

Richard Lederer's site, Verbivore, has extensive articles and links to all things lexical (anagrams, palindromes, puns, etymology, languages in general). Why go to any trouble, for instance, trying to think up a cliche when you can gussy up your verbage with a ready-made list of cliches. (Banality was never this easy!) Seriously, if you are fascinated with words you will want to bookmark this page and spend some time here. 
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th)
Hypertext Webster Gateway

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