Genealogy Page of Steven Bloemendaal


The main interest of this site is my ongoing effort in tracing back the ancestor lines of my wife and myself.
Our family tree contains currently about 4500 persons, of whom about 1200 are my direct ancestors. This is very much an ongoing research and I am interested in any information, which might help to trace further back the existing ancestor lines.

I do have some unique descendant trees in my posession, which were created some centuries ago by my Houttuijn and Zeijlemaker grandfathers. Some 1000 persons are mentioned in these trees, most of them lived in Noord-Holland in the time span 1550-1800:
Gerrit Willemsz Zeijlemaker, (1656-1719, my seventh great grandfather), documented in the year 1707 his ancestors, and the descendants of his third great grandfather Willem Jansz (born before 1515).
His son in-law, Willem Maartensz Houttuijn (1693-1756), continued this effort and around the year 1750 he created descendant trees of his known ancestors : Pieter Houttuijn (born ca 1600), Cornelis Zeijlemaker (born ca 1580), Willem Jansz (born before 1515), Jacob Jacobsz Compostel (born ca 1550), Hendrik Brouwer (born ca 1550), Poulus Kole (born ca 1620) and Hillegont Pieters (born ca 1600).
Willem's son, Gerrit Willemsz Houttuijn (1736-1804), followed with updates in the year 1759/60 and probably additional updates around the year 1800.
Common names in these documents are (in brackets number of persons):
Houttuijn (72), Compostel (60), Blauw(55), Brouwer(37), Zeijlemaker(32), Sleutel(24), Messchaert(23), Ris (20), Vogel (20), Olijslager(19), Bakker(15), Oeg(14), Compas(13), Zwart (12), van Foreest (12), Nopper(11), Boendermaker(11) and Vlasbloem(10) .

I am very much interested in any additional information of these persons and/or data of other (descendant) lines relating to them. If you have any information, which might help me in my research, or if you would like to receive additional information from me, don't hesitate to E-mail me.

(You can also contact me via ICQ, ID 11219432)

September 1998 version of this page.

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