Instead we serve Seafood gumbo and Shrimp Jambalaya.
Pull up a chair and dig in. We have some Baked Sweet 'taters,
fresh pumpkin and sweet 'tater pie.
The gumbo is hot and the Jambalaya is ready.
Cousin Suzanne is making some Walnut fudge and
Cousin Carol made one of her famous German Chocolate Cakes. 
Cousin Perry brought over some baked beans and potato salad.
That cajun cousin, Rosie is flying in on her broom from over in Mississippi
and is bringing some pecan pies, boiled shrimp and crabs.
For Uncle Chuck she's bringing Crawdads. Yummy!
Later, Uncle Chuck will tell us a story or two to earn his place in
the Acadian Family of Leblanc. We'll gather all around his chair.

              From My Attic to Yours.......
    May this Day be filled with love and laughter, friends and family,
            good food and good memories.
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