Sarah Sue's Room

Registration #:16
Hi, we would like you to meet the new mouse that we have adopted.
This is Sarah Sue.She is a very bright little mouse.She is only four and she can already read and jumprope. We live on a farm and Sarah is very happy here. She especially enjoys playing with the boys and happy(the dog,who loves her very much) Her favorite color is pink. Sarah is the first girl we have had and so she is kind of spoiled, in her sweet little way.She likes cheese and peanut butter sandwiches. Noone will eat them with her but she doesn't care. She is her own little mouse.
We have really enjoyed her and would recomend adopting a mouse(from the mousepad,of course)to anyone who is lonely or bored,or has alot of extra love and noone to share it with. Here is a picture of Sarah when she was sleeping, isn't she cute?