Karen - 10/01/99 22:40:22
My Email:KarenAMc@hotmail.com
State: Montana
My grandfather, John Benner, Born 2/1/1886 in village near Saratov, Russia, married Katherine Fink, born 12/23/1885 in Norka, Saratov district, on August 16, 1905 in Dietel, Russia (also in Saratov district. John's parents were Konrad Benner and Anna Meier(Meyer).John's siblings were Konrad, Henry, Louise, and others unknown. The elder Konrad was no doubt a descendent (grandson, likely) of one of the original settlers from Germany to Russia in Catherine the Great's campaign to resettle Russia with people from her homeland to instruct the Russians in agriculture. There was one Benner in this group of German colonists, Johannes Benner, single, age unknown. I believe he was colonist #6930. He,along with 50 or so other colonists founded the village of Yagodnya Polyana, "the Berry Field". Later descendents of Johannes dispersed to new villages springing up along the Saratov region of the Volga River. The elder Konrad would have been born around 1840-1850, and is buried in Russia. Some of his children immigrated to America, including John & wife Katie, in Oct 1905 or 1908. They came on the ship, Rhein, departing Bremen, Germany on Oct 1, arriving Oct. 8 or 11.
They had eleven children, Katherine MT), John Leroy (WA), George (OR), Adam (MT), Helen (OR), Harry (MT), Henry (MT), Lester (AZ), Clara (MT), Wilber, (my father, MT), and Laverne May (MT). The older 3 sons are deceased.
There's a bit of history for Greg, in OR (my cousin). I have obtained several documents and am awaiting receipt of others. Will add info as it is received.
Karen Benner McCloney
Donna - 07/29/99 12:51:43
My Email:bluemink@erols.com
My family never had a clue why I majored in history in college.
Ruth Madison - 04/15/99 10:22:13
My Email:rmadipc@aol.com
State: Pa
Great page.I have a gggrandmother Lena BENNER.Born 1839 in Rockhill Township,Pa.Died 1903.Buried in Almont Cemetery,Pa.Her husband was Enos WENHOLD.Married March 12,1859 in Rockhill Twp,Pa.Looking for information on her and her husband.
Best Regards,
Ruth Lutz Madison
Norman Benner - 03/24/99 16:42:39
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/b/e/n/Norman-L-Benner/
My Email:nbenner@juno.com
State: CA
I would be happy to send you a FTW GED file of my tree. My Benner pedigree includes: BENNER, FULLER, HAGER, HOUSE, BROWNBACK, RITTENHOUSE, PAPEN.
CJC - 01/22/99 04:11:04
My Email:Janesswj@aol.com
State: PA
I live in the area of PA where your ancesters resided so I am very familiar with the name Benner. Growing up one of my best friends was named Benner. She now lives in Palm, PA, as does her parents. Their grandmother was a dear woman, now deceased, that
lived in a small town going up the Allentown Road.(Can't remember the name right now. One of those towns that if you blink you missed it!) My father tells me that my grandfathers mother was a Benner. I am researching my family tree but have not had tim
to discover alot yet. I am wondering if she ties into your tree in some way.
Waddie *Bos'n Mate* Salmon - 11/19/98 06:34:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3348/
My Email:waddie@earthlink.net
State: Virginia
A most interesting web site. I am very impressed with your layout here.
10/04/98 20:49:01
Name: Bunny | My URL: Visit Allen Heckler Benner's Web Page |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Traven Benner - 07/31/98 01:57:20
My Email:travenbenner@hotmail.com
State: Ontario
Jdeger - 05/06/98 21:48:09
My Email:jdeger@stratos.net
State: OH
I have an Elizabeth Benner who married George Schofield and had Harry Benner Schofield Jan 20 1831. They were probably from Philadelphia, PA.
Shelley Lynn Benner - 04/20/98 20:49:30
My Email:shelley@executechjobs.com
State: Michigan
Was just surfing the Internet to check out history on my last name and I found your web site. I didn't recognize any of the names on your web site, but will periodically check it out for updates. Thanks!!!