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Paint Shops
Ogden Shops, Calgary, Alberta


Canadian Pacific Railway repaints its fleet of locomotives and freight cars at its state of the art facilities at Ogden. There are actually two paint shops, one dedicated to painting locomotives and the main shop paints mainly freight cars.The two shops apply coats of paint, the company name, or logo to more than 110 locomotives and 700 freight cars per year.

The main Paint shop is set-up in five (5) stages.
Stage 1) The east end booth is a car drying area that is thermostatically controlled for temperature.
Stage 2) The car then gets moved into a shotblast booth, where rust and paint gets blasted off the surface using a steel grit product.
Stage 3) The middle booth is the paint area where the paint is sprayed onto the car.
Stage 4) Another oven that is thermostatically controlled dries the paint to a nice finish.
Stage 5) The last area is a stencil area to have the finishing decals, numbers, etc applied.
side.gif A staff of 30 employees prepares each piece of equipment, paints it in the appropriate color, then bakes it dry. Locomotives take an average of 6 shifts to go through the process. Freight cars take an average of 3 shifts.

Each year, the paint shops apply more than 87,000 litres
( 19,137 imp. gallons ) of paint to the railway equipment.The Paint Shops work closely with the Car and Locomotive Departments to schedule and co-ordinate the different types of equipment. Some of this is attained by touching-up cars and locomotives on an outside track. This shop is very enviromently friendly, with many safeguards and special recycling programs in place.

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ISO 9002 - 1994
Certificate No. 004808
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History of Ogden Shops

Air Brake Shop Adminstration Office Maintenance of Way
Wheel Shop Main Gate Materials Department
Locomotive Shop Steel Car Shop Power House
Maintenance Shop Paint Shop Health Center


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