Our Front and Back Yard Projects

The Front Yard (2001)

This project is still a work in progress. We replaced three old and failing wooden retaining walls with a new keystone-type wall. We still have to repave the driveway, remove the old patio, and add landscaping, lighting, fencing, and irrigation. Even if it's not pretty at this stage, at least the hillside will withstand anything short of a nuclear bomb hit.

Celeste looks on after the old walls had been removed, but the new one had not yet been laid.

As viewed from our garage, the scene is dominated by the giant pile of earth removed from the hillside, soon to be used as backfill for the new geogrid wall construction.

Much better: The new wall is very solid but the yard could still use some landscaping.

The Back Yard (1998)

Well, we finally did it. We got rid of our ancient, enormous, dangerous, expensive, and ugly swimming pool that had been dominating our whole back yard. We had the pool and its surrounding decking demolished, the entire hillside regraded, and the back yard landscaped. The project took from April through June of 1998. Of course, most of our neighbors looked at us the way Kevin Costner's neighbors viewed his plowing under his corn crop in "Field of Dreams".

Three months and gobs of money later, we now have a beautiful lawn and garden with a flagstone patio sitting area, redwood framed fencing, wide expanses of green grass for the girls to run around on, built-in timed irrigation and accent lighting, and lots of new flowers, trees, and shrubs. Why not take a look at our before, during, and after photos?

Before: The monstrous swimming pool with a decrepit vinyl liner, filled with all kinds of sediment and debris.

During: Most of the pool liner, cement coping, and redwood decking are broken up and thrown into what was the pool.

With the addition of 70 tons of drainrock, what was a steep hillside is now a moderate incline.

A layer of topsoil over all hides any remnants of the swimming pool. How they got the Bobcat down the hill and into this tight space will have to remain a mystery.

Now comes the fun part--landscaping. Here is the outline of the project, with the lawn, garden, and patio areas visible.

After: The landscaping done, you can now see the whole yard. It should look even nicer as the trees, shrubs, and vines grow out.

The girls have fun running around (but they really want a climbing structure back there) while we enjoy the view during alfresco dining.

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