The Ivess Family History

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Here are a collection of old family photographs. I would welcome any more pictures to add to the collection. These could be either emailed direct to me or a copy posted (please do not send originals).  Where possible I have thumb-nailed the photos. A larger image may be obtained by clicking on the small thumbnail photo.
Joseph's Family.jpg (371613 bytes) Joseph.jpg (87199 bytes) Sarah Reddin (Ivess).jpg (462139 bytes) Joe Ivess Wedding Lucy Contessa.jpg (699975 bytes) Charles Edward Ivess.jpg (49070 bytes) Roy Douglas Ivess.jpg (327539 bytes)

The Family of Joseph & Sarah Ivess

Joseph Ivess

Sarah Ivess

Wedding of Lucy Contessa

Charles Edward Ivess

Roy Douglas Ivess
Helena Ivess (Reid) & Cecily.jpg (110487 bytes) Charles J Contessa 1915.jpg (275729 bytes) Charles J Contessa.jpg (205594 bytes) Fanny Ivess (Barrett) with Mavis.jpg (307943 bytes) Fanny Ivess(Barrett) & Family.jpg (294637 bytes) Georgina Ivess & Daisy Ivess.jpg (111974 bytes)

Helena Reid (Ivess) with daughter Cecily

Charles Joseph Contessa 1915

Charles Joseph Contessa 1964

Fanny Barrett (Ivess) Fanny Barrett & Family Georgina Ivess (Gaul) and Daisy
Dinah Ivess(Watkins).jpg (94167 bytes) Rita Pyke (Ivess).jpg (81597 bytes) Roy Ivess.jpg (82863 bytes) Roy&UlaIvess.JPG (126878 bytes) Pat & Maurie Wedding.jpg (136421 bytes)
Dinah Ivess (Watkins) Rita Pyke (Ivess) Roy Ivess Roy & Ula Ivess (Mahoney) Patricia (Ivess)
&  Maurice Hone
Michael Ivess
Vic & Jean Ivess.jpg (131452 bytes) Richard & Ian Ivess.JPG (66067 bytes) Daisy Ivess, Mavis, Doreen & Heather.JPG (141775 bytes) Mavis,Doreen & Heather.jpg (310310 bytes)
Vic & Jean Ivess (Steel) Richard & Ian Ivess Daisy Ivess & Family Daisy's Daughters