Mike McGrew - 06/04/00 00:30:07 My URL:http://www.flash.net/~msjjm4/ My Email:msjjm4@flash.net Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: shar pei Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: no | Comments: Liked your site! |
Carmelina - 03/25/00 19:00:57 My URL:http://www.agora.stm.it/del.settimosigillo My Email:galluccio@tin.it Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: shar pei Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: very beautiful site!Hello from Italy! |
Nathalie Boersma - 02/08/00 17:50:09 My URL:http://home.worldonline.nl/~tion/index.html My Email:tion@home.nl Do you have pets?: Yes What type pets?: 3 Shar-Pei, 2 chinchilla's and 1 cat Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Yes | Comments: Hallo, wat leuk om een Dutchie in Amerika te vinden die ook nog een Shar-Pei heeft. Wij hebben er drie en ze zijn geweldig. Jullie site ziet er prachtig uit! |
Mirjana - 01/30/00 22:47:21 My URL:/goldingpei/ My Email:mama_pei@yahoo.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: 15 dogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: Hi, Jude, I'm again visited your site. I think you and your family are great with much love for animals. Best regards from Slovenia. Mirjana |
Jan Popken, Holland - 12/22/99 14:31:15 | Comments: Dear friends I visit your webside. It was very interesting. What are your animals very lovely. This are my results of my course of the computer. My heartly greatings. John.Popken. |
- 12/15/99 13:43:01 | Comments: |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Bill Register - 04/24/99 22:30:44 My Email:Bill958@aol.com Do you have pets?: but of course, almost a farm What type pets?: 4 cats, one human dog, Spike Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: we always have whenever we could | Comments: I love Jude, my sis very much. Her love for animals is wonderful. She is also a damn good writer I am proud to say!! |
Bill Register - 04/24/99 22:30:36 My Email:Bill958@aol.com Do you have pets?: but of course, almost a farm What type pets?: 4 cats, one human dog, Spike Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: we always have whenever we could | Comments: I love Jude, my sis very much. Her love for animals is wonderful. She is also a damn good writer I am proud to say!! |
Bill & Dee Register - 04/24/99 20:12:07 My Email:DBRSPIKE@aol.com Do you have pets?: of course, 5 What type pets?: 4 cats, 1 human dog Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: its why we have 'em | Comments: I love my sis Jude, and all the worlds animals, except the two legged ones. Spike, my dog and best friend is with me always. Oh, and I also have a wife and two kids whom I love as well. |
Mirjana Buhovac - 12/23/98 00:02:04 My URL:http://www.elvod.co.yu/~golding My Email:dejan.buhovac@siol.net Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: dogs, 2 bassethound, 1 english bulldog, 7 sharpeis Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes, cat | Comments: HI, IT'S BEAUTIFOULL WEB PAGE. AND I LIKE SHEBA ..SHE IS GREAT. I WISH TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND CAT'S AND ESPECIALTY SHEBA MARRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. BEST WISHES FROM GOLDING SLOVENIA |
Michele - 12/05/98 05:21:47 My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/LibraryDr/writermom/index.html My Email:writermom2@aol.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: one lab mix (rescued) | Comments: Great page. I love Sheba. she looks very huggable!! |
Carol Cooke - 11/18/98 04:03:40 My Email:cwcooke@erols.com Do you have pets?: YES What type pets?: Old English Sheepdogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: perhaps in the future | Comments: You have a great website. I've enjoyed browing through it. |
Ellen Stanton - 11/15/98 01:35:03 My Email:camerawoman@webtv.net Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: a beautiful cat named Molly Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: I did adopt Molly from an animal rescue shelter | Comments: Jude, Erick and family. I love your web page. How wonderful it is to "see" you after these past couple of months e-mailing you. This is great! Love the animals. I come from a long line of animal lovers...I can wholly understand how you feel about your animals. And Jude, I love your stories. Ellen |
Tom Paine - 11/01/98 02:07:26 My Email:TLPaine999@aol.com | Comments: Hi Jude, I've been kept abreast of your writing, I think it's fantastic. Hope you and your wonderful family are doing well. I hope to see you this Thanksgiving. Love, Tom |
Karly - 10/10/98 06:22:27 My Email:kml2@erthlink.net Do you have pets?: yep What type pets?: 2 dogs 1 cat Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: been there, done that | Comments: |
Sandy - 10/05/98 20:57:45 My Email:smonaco@csulb.edu Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: 1 dog, 2cats, 1desert tortoise, 1 jacksons camellian, 20 koi fish, and 2 kids, a boy and a girl Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: I rescued my dog and my cat | Comments: You did a fantastic job on your web page! You have a beautiful family! |
Nan Alvarez-Gray - 10/05/98 00:39:48 My Email:alvarez-gray@home.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: two dogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes, we did | Comments: Loved it Jude! Congratulations. We sure are enjoying Bailey and Brittany -- thanks for all your encouragement. Love, Nan |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Jean-Francois "Jeff" Judek - 08/21/98 22:59:35 My Email:psymajeff@dplus.net Do you have pets?: used to What type pets?: dogs, cats.... Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: already have | Comments: Your website looks great and entertaining! By the way, I was wondering if we are some kind of distant relatives. My last name is also Judek, and am a French citizen currently living in the US. If you have a chance, send me an e-mail. Thanks and take care, Jeff |
mylene - 07/28/98 06:54:16 My Email:adfire3@aol.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: two cats Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: Hi Jude & Erick, we're here on vacation with Janine & Ron. The whole family is here, Edwin, Patrick, Olaf and myself.We arrived last Saturday.We will be going up route 1 to San Francisco, Yosemite and down back to Janine's.We hope to see you during our va ation. Edwin will return to Holland on the 15 of August. I will return on the 31st. of august. I really enjoyed your website.Give my love to the whole family and hope to see you soon. Love, Mylene, Edwin, Patrick & Olaf. |
Jackie Cotton - 07/08/98 15:14:03 My Email:jlcotton@uci.edu Do you have pets?: no Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: Love your Web site. Can't wait to meet you Jude. jc |
Darwin Huebner - 06/28/98 18:55:40 My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~downy My Email:metawrinkle@usa.net Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: Chinese Shar-Pei Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: No | Comments: Cool site, keep up the good work. Check out ours |
Sherry Walker - 06/02/98 03:26:10 My Email:td_walker@bc.sympatico.ca Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: shar pei Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: Love your site, when I get a site I hope its a nice as yours. |
Lois Sauer - 06/02/98 01:15:41 My Email:sharpei@sowega.net Do you have pets?: Yes What type pets?: 3 dogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: Your site is wonderful and you have a very big heart. It's nice to know that you will be contributing to our shar pei list. Welcome!!! |
Dan Martin - 06/01/98 01:21:02 My Email:bookdude@earthlink.net Do you have pets?: Rosie What type pets?: Shepard/Akita mix, 7 1/2 months old Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Rosie is a pound puppy from the Orange County Animal Shelter. We got her on the day she was brought in at exactly (we were told) 6 weeks of age. | Comments: Enjoyed all the pictures. How come there isn't one of Margo? |
Cindy de Nottbeck - 06/01/98 00:45:33 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9504 My Email:c.de.nottbeck@sympatico.ca Do you have pets?: 5 Shar Pei`s What type pets?: Dogs Shar Pei`s Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Yes | Comments: Hi! Judi your page is great love your Pei he looks like a sweet heart.And all your other family.Great job.See you on the list. |
Jan Henry - 05/14/98 14:05:21 My URL:None yet, sadly My Email:Janetski@aol.com Do you have pets?: oh yes! What type pets?: dogs, cats, birds Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes indeed! | Comments: Jude & family.....I just LOVE your web page. Don't know why I didn't get around to visiting it before. Tail wags from Missouri! |
Jan Henry - 05/14/98 14:02:05 My URL:None yet, sadly My Email:Janetski@aol.com Do you have pets?: oh yes! What type pets?: dogs, cats, birds Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes indeed! | Comments: Jude & family.....I just LOVE your web page. Don't know why I didn't get around to visiting it before. Tail wags from Missouri! |
beverley lloyd - 05/11/98 06:11:20 My Email:dhlloyd@earthlink.net Do you have pets?: not now Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: maybe but not right now | Comments: lovely family & the pets, the dogs are great!!but I'm afraid of cats...have to admit they are very beautiful though |
Mo - 05/01/98 21:50:33 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/1608/ My Email:auntiemo@hotmail.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: cats Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: Hi..you were on the Heartland birthday list...thought I would stop by and leave wishes for a happy day...your page is very moving...have tears reading your rescue stories... |
- 04/29/98 03:45:58 | Comments: |
Corine - 04/10/98 15:14:34 My Email:zsiga@ior.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: dogs,cats,fish,horse,goats,peacock pair,pheasant pair,chicken pair,and lots of sweet Muskovie ducks! Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: I just sent you an email today re;Paddee,and now I have viewed your site which brought a smile & shinny eyes as well.You all sound like really nice people. Thank you, Corine Zsiga |
beverley lloyd - 02/23/98 22:21:32 My Email:dhlloyd@earthlink.net Do you have pets?: not now..my dog died Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: hi there: just visited your web page...& what a handsome family you have, jude...best regards, bev lloyd |
Jose Taboas - 01/31/98 21:49:33 My Email:jtaboas@tld.net | Comments: Very fitting that you have added a memorial page for you beloved companions. They deserve all the remembrances they can get. |
Vicky McBeth - 01/23/98 03:50:09 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/7198 My Email:vmcbeth@speedline.ca Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: chinese shar pei Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: Your site reflects your kindness and love for all your family pets - really nice Jude! Vicky McBeth from chis-l! |
Cynthia and Raymond McNeel - 01/11/98 03:42:21 My URL:http://www.flash.net/~enjon My Email:enjon@flash.net Do you have pets?: Yes What type pets?: Shar-Peis Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: What a wonderful site. Jude you must be so proud of all your family [2leg & 4leg]. It is very touching and you must be made of gold to have done so many good deeds. Just wish more people in the world were like you. |
Ida - 12/31/97 16:40:05 My Email:Bart@pathcom.com Do you have pets?: YES What type pets?: dog/cat Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: I commend you on a wonderful site and you share the same love for animals as I do. I have a 10 1/2 year old cat named Chloe, a 3 1/2 year old shar pei named Bentlley whom we rescued from the humane society a 51/2 yer old English bull terrier named belle w om we got at 3 years of age from a breeder a 13month old shar pei named Molly and an 8 month old shar pei named Emily (I am starting to show her). I had the brother to Chloe named Ottis but he decided he liked our neightbours home better when we brought belle home so he now lives with our Neighbors. It is good to see others take in and love our animals like we do and I can only wish when I start bre ding that all my pups find as loving homes as you have provided for your pets. Take care and Happy New Year |
Darin - 12/16/97 15:20:48 My Email:TFRD11@aol.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: dogs & cats Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: have - all of 'em | Comments: Neat page(s). I like your web site very much...just stopped by accidentally. Good job. I think more people should be considering adopting their pets...especially the older ones who really need homes. |
JIm and Theresa - 12/09/97 07:20:18 My URL:http://http://www.freeyellow.com/members/sharpei/index.html My Email:shar-pei@v-wave.com Do you have pets?: you bet What type pets?: shar-pei Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes.. | Comments: Good job Jude!! |
Jose - 12/08/97 18:06:57 My Email:jtaboas@tld.net Do you have pets?: Of course What type pets?: Dog, dog, dog Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Two dogs out of three | Comments: I have just subscribed to your web site in order to keep up with the changes. Great work! |
Ron & Janine Carraway - 12/07/97 05:34:22 My Email:adfire3@aol.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: one dog, one cat Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: Hello!!! I just pulled up your homepage again. Like I said before, I am SO very impressed with your work, Judy! I talked to my mom and dad today and I faxed them the address. Hopefully they know someone hooked up to the Internet in Aruba, so they can l ok at it too. My mom didn't really understand it, but you know she'll just love it when she finally sees it. It's really neat to read about you all and your animal stories are especially touching!! If only Lady and Iggy could read, I think they would g t teary eyed too...Oh, thanks again for dinner last week. It's always so nice to see you guys...Hope to see you soon again and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS if you don't hear from me before. Love, Janine |
Jane - 12/02/97 02:40:58 My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7741 My Email:jane@bayou.com Do you have pets?: Yes What type pets?: Dogs and Cats Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Yes, Have taken several strays in my home! | Comments: Thank you for visiting my page and signing my guestbook. I'm planning on putting in pictures of the animals we have as well. I think it's wonderful what you've done for these beautiful animals. Keep up the great work! |
Guiseppe - 12/02/97 02:36:03 My Email:GSP41@aol.com Do you have pets?: But naturally What type pets?: 3 dogs, 1 mother cat, 2 kittens Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Always | Comments: I enjoyed reading about your family, both kinds. Your family is like mine...we have a houseful. It is nice that you love animals so much...so many people don't care one way or another. I like the first picture on your page. How did you do that? |
Constance - 11/29/97 18:55:44 My Email:sbrnat17@aol.com Do you have pets?: naturally What type pets?: dogs, cats, bird Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: been there, done that | Comments: I like your page very much. It is warm and cozy as your family must be. I especially like the idea that you seem to promote adopting dogs and cats. There are so many out there who need loving homes, and some very lucky ones found yours. Thank you for doing this. |
Cheryl - 11/17/97 17:36:48 My Email:cheryl@lfc.com | Comments: Judy - Hello! I hope this finds you and your family doing well. Love, Cheryl |
Cliff Pettus - 10/25/97 18:35:36 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8920 My Email:swiffcliff@hotmail.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: 6 dogs & 3 cats Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: all are | Comments: Like your page. I don't understand why people think the only good animals are pure bred. Mixed breeds are wonderful!!! They can give you all the love a person needs. |
Frannie - 10/24/97 01:58:52 Do you have pets?: you bet What type pets?: dogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: been there, done that | Comments: Have had three dogs who were rescued from the pound. Two were of questionable type breeds, and the other is an Italian Greyhound. All were the best dogs we ever owned. I love your web page. It does my heart good to see someone so obviously concerned w th the over abundance of homeless pets. Need more like yourself in our society! I congratulate you and your nice family. |
Margaret - 10/22/97 23:40:51 Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: rescue dogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yep 4 times | Comments: I like your web page! My family have always been big on adopting dogs and cats. I don't ever remember them purchasing one for us. There are so many that need homes and if we had room, we would adopt more than one at one time. Once we had 2 dogs and 3 c ts. We have a large yard! My brother and I are adopted too! |
Cindy Sherrill - 10/17/97 20:11:43 My Email:cisherri@sewanee.edu Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: 4 Shar Pei,2 of which are rescues, and 1 Dachshund Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: We have two now, but we've had three totaled. | Comments: What a great web page. You know, I would rescue more and more dogs if we had the space and didn't live in town. Trouble is, I can't let any of them live outside, soooo you can imagine the dog hair, etc. I have in my house. My Pei are the greatest dogs. - so smart and we love them so much. Their names are Rocky, 3 yrs and a rescue, Chief, 3 years and our first Pei, Ginger, 2 years and our second Pei, and Sumo, 1 1/2 years. He's not really a rescue. We got him from a breeder (free) because his bite was ff and she couldn't show him anymore. We stay in touch with her and she's so happy that Sumo lives with us. She has 15 totaled, so he gets a great deal more attention than he would get as a pet in a show home. He's a beautiful dog (except for the teeth . |
Barb - 10/17/97 19:48:07 My Email:bbuice@peachtree.com Do you have pets?: YES What type pets?: Papillon/Toy Poodle/Shar-pei Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: The Pap and Pei are rescues | Comments: I love your site! Especially the proliferation of breeds. I was beginning to think I was the only one to have such a diversified household. |
Lee Peterson - 10/15/97 05:04:17 My Email:leep@sd.znet.com Do you have pets?: Lots What type pets?: dogs,cats turtles, Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: we do all the time | Comments: Like your attitude and page. I just signed on #7741 but won't have a page for a few days. I have some business web pages. www.photodistrict.com/peterson and www.marinecamera.com. As you can guess I do a lot of photography. I have another personal web p ge at: http://members.tripod.com/~slow_fish/index.html it has some Alaska image on it. Sincerely, Lee |
Louise Clements - 10/15/97 04:17:12 My Email:paigeone@micron.net Do you have pets?: Oh yes!!! What type pets?: Dogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Oh yes!!! | Comments: I love your page. What a lovely family of both humans and animals. You must be SO proud of all of them. You ae very special people. Your rescue cats made me cry. I love kitties, but have one dog that would make sure that a cat would live on top of th refrig, so no cats here right now, but hopefully in the future. Thank you for sharing this page. |
Nan Alvarez-Gray - 10/13/97 19:45:11 My Email:NJAlvarez@aol.com Do you have pets?: no -- Annie's allergic Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: I love your web page Jude! Great Job! You've inspired me to make one for us -- maybe. Love, Nan |
Bob - 10/07/97 22:08:58 My Email:RUSS78@aol.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: dogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: many times | Comments: What a wonderful webpage. Nice family, Jude and Erick. How wonderful of you to adopt your pet family. More should look into "adopting." Look at the lives you have saved...and what a wonderful, loving home you have given them. |
Malka - 09/28/97 05:04:48 My Email:xando@ix.netcom.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: dogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: no | Comments: Liked your site..especially the music...didn't know where it came from for a minute..also the little bouncing dog biscuits. Malka |
Jose Taboas-Baco - 09/26/97 22:01:19 My Email:jtaboas@tld.net Do you have pets?: Of course What type pets?: Dogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Yes | Comments: Congratulations on the contents of your site. Very touching. Lucky is fortunate to have you all. |
Jana Jenkins - 09/25/97 03:11:58 My Email:tjt@pond.net Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: dogs Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: |
Kris(ta) Hornyak - 09/24/97 23:58:16 My Email:khorny@bgnet.bgsu.edu Do you have pets?: yes-----5 What type pets?: 2 dogs(1gsd&1pei) 2 cats and 1 rabbit and a few birds Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes, but when I move out of my parents house | Comments: Jude I love your web page, your snailmail and patiance paid off!!! I was curious about your max & ginger, the shephard mixes. My gsd is 13 yrs old and has arthritis bad, rimidyl helped some, but not a miricle drug here. Do you give that to your dogs or some hing else? I just looking to ease her pain. |
Paula Perry - 09/23/97 01:06:30 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/5852 My Email:paulap@flash.net Do you have pets?: YES! What type pets?: 2 Shar-Pei, 1 Himalayan Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Yes. | Comments: Hi Jude! I love your page - thanks for putting me as a link - I will do the same for you. Connie really did a great job. The information on your page just reinforces what a great person you are. Kisses to all from me and my guys!! |
Cheryl Frey - 09/22/97 18:27:20 My Email:Cheryl@lfc.com Do you have pets?: Yes What type pets?: 1 Precious Beagle Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Got Sam from Pound | Comments: Hi Judy - I love your Web Page. How did you do it all? Jen told me today about Eric and Maria. His proposal sounds very romantic; Maria is a lucky girl. I'll talk to you soon. Cheryl |
Vicki LaLonde - 09/22/97 11:08:42 My URL:http://under construction My Email:denalisharpei@webtv.net Do you have pets?: LOTS! What type pets?: Currently, 6 Shar-pei adults, 1 pup, 3 cats, 1 bunny and 1 gecko! Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Have rescued several myself and found them good homes | Comments: Jude, Great page! I am also on the chis-list, and am a breeder from Michigan. I think it is wonderful that you have rescued so many pets. I wish more people werelike you, even if just a little bit! Talk to you on the list! |
Sister-Friend - 09/22/97 01:54:50 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/4573/ My Email:CalypsoZ@swbell.net Do you have pets?: Yup! What type pets?: 2 cats, 2 dogs : 1 million breeds each! Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Nothing but! | Comments: Hi -- thanks for visiting my page and signing my guestbook! Love all the photos of your pets. One of my dogs is a mixture of Husky, dalmatian and who knows what, and I have a 5 month old puppy that so far shows some lab, shepherd .... and I am beginning to suspicion, Mastiff. (weak smile) ... her paws were small when we got her ... :) They're sweeties pies, as are our meowers. |
Val Sayers - 09/22/97 01:50:23 My Email:a1a27981@bc.sympatico.ca Do you have pets?: Oh yes What type pets?: 3 Pei, 2 cats, 2 mice & 2 fish Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: That's how we got our cats, their owner was in jail & so were they LOL | Comments: Gret job on the page. Val |
Kathy Cooper - 09/22/97 00:24:10 My Email:kcooper@ailins.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: 2 gsds, 1 sheltie, 1 silver tabby Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: Hi Jude! Kathy Cooper here, from Waco, Texas (I have Molly, Bear, Skyler and Samantha -- we've corresponded recently). Your page is beautiful. How lucky you are to have your beautiful family and your beautiful animals. Or are *they* the lucky ones to h ve you? Congratulations on an outstanding homepage. Hope all is well! Best regards, Kathy&Pack kcooper@ailins.com |
Gerry Bragg - 09/21/97 13:32:33 My Email:gbragg@oxford.net Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: chinese shar-pei | Comments: An excellent home page. This is a family of beautiful, well-loved four legged kids. Congratulations! |
Lois - 09/21/97 13:12:40 My Email:sharpei@sowega.net Do you have pets?: Yes -3 What type pets?: sharpei Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Yes, I've done rescue with the help of Operation Scarlet | Comments: Jude: Your page is wonderful. Your Pei looks almost exactly like my Mama Peaches. I admire you for your dedication to animals. I wish there were more like you. Keep up the good work. By the way, I loved your Rainbow Bridge; it's very touching. |
Janet Saporito - 09/21/97 11:12:44 My URL:http://www.4shar-pei.com My Email:jsap31@aol.com Do you have pets?: Yes What type pets?: Chinese Shar-Pei Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: Yes | Comments: Jude, your family (human and 4 legged) sound absolutely wonderful. Lucky's story brought tears to my eyes. God bless you for being such a loving person. Janet |
Carol A.T.Lint - 09/21/97 04:24:01 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5201 My Email:carolat@ohiolinks.com Do you have pets?: definately YES What type pets?: Chinese Shar-Pei, Cats, Horses Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: I have two now. | Comments: Jude, I really like you page, Connie did a superb job. My favorite is your Rainbow Bridge Tribute page. I cried as I read it. Really nice effect, background & music. I would be glad to exchange links if you want. Let me know. I am adding you tonight to my page. |
Alice Murray - 09/20/97 21:27:37 My Email:AMurray102@aol.com Do you have pets?: You bet What type pets?: 2 GSDs, 2 cats Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: I just rescued Elwood in June, an 8-yr GSD (mix??) | Comments: What a huge family you have! My Elwood has very much the same coloring as your GSD mix that is pictured on the left (Max?). Elwood's head is a lot bigger though, as is his muzzle. He's huge, weighing in at the last vet visit at 119 pounds. And Em look like a cat I had many years ago. She died of FIP at the age of 2. Her name was Snickers. My other dog's name is Shep (age 6), and my cats names are Chez (16-year Siamese) and Frosty (13-year gray/black and white shorthair). You've got a really nice w bpage, Jude. |
tom paine - 09/20/97 03:35:49 My URL:http://members.aol.com/tlpaine999/index.html My Email:tlpaine999@aol.com Do you have pets?: no, but i love a little girl who has two rabbits and wants a dog Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes, i used to have a cat that rescued me | Comments: hi jude, one of these days i hope to meet you in person. your niece has told me alot about you and your wonderful children. i think your web page is terrific. i've been working on one of my own that is still 'under construction', but has been alot of fun for me. |
lisa - 09/20/97 01:50:53 My Email:lisa6240@aol.com Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: two rabbits - godfrey and luna Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: yes | Comments: this is a beautiful page... indeed, all living creatures, great and small, deserve to be loved and cherished... i'm very proud to know that we share the same roots and hopes and visions... and that we come from the same gentle heart... sylvie (and sylvia) send a special smile... |
Monica 77 - 09/18/97 17:24:37 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7767/ My Email:monica_77@hotmail.com Do you have pets?: Yes What type pets?: Horse,Dog,Cat Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: I have rescue an afghanhound | Comments: You have a very impressive page. Please mail me! |
Jennifer - 09/17/97 17:35:55 My Email:jakantorowski@ucdavis.edu Do you have pets?: yes What type pets?: cat Have you ever considered a rescue dog/cat?: I have one and she's the best! | Comments: |
Connie - 09/17/97 11:34:54 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/3550/index.html My Email:texaswrinkles@juno.com Do you have pets?: yep What type pets?: shar-pei of course! | Comments: Hope you enjoy your pages!! More to come! |