Dad and Murphy
Summer 1963
Dad would visit us once every year or so for about a day. This visit was summer of 1963 (although the back of the photos say fall).
He would usually take us out to dinner. One time, we went to the Jayhawk Hotel in downtown and I had my first restaurant salad. When faced with the decision as to which salad dressing to use, I remembered that mom always used one with a foreign name, so I ordered Italian (and really liked it). By the way, mom always used French dressing.
A couple of the photos were damaged in the tornado. I'm not sure why Kathy is not in these photos.
Here was dad standing in the Murphy front yard. The Murphy home was
to the right. The Johns' home was to the left.
Dad was sitting in the Murphy living room. We had a black and white
TV to the left. The folding metal TV table to the right was one of a set
that we would use to hold our TV dinners while we ate in front of the TV
occasionally. They could be used for other things also (like as a side
table or for holding BBQ sauce while cooking outside).
Dad (left) and Murphy (right) were standing in the Murphy living room.
Stuff on the cherry bookcase to the left included wood carvings, praying
hands, Murphy's choir photo, and Grandma Mary's photo. The next shelf had
Golden Book Encyclopedias (bought at a grocery store), and some envelopes
containing photographs. Most of the rest of the bookcase was filled with
Reader's Digest condensed books. Mom read and read and read. In fact, her
job at this time was working as a reader for a clipping bureau in downtown.
Kathy has the bookcase now.
Last updated January 10, 1998, by Murphy.