Murphy, Kathy, and Friends

The time was 1956. The place was the neighborhood. The neighborhood kids shown in this web page were Murphy and his sister Kathy; and neighbors David, Ann and Doug (Ann's brother).

Murphy and Ann were the same age. Kathy and David were the same age, but younger than Ann. And, Doug was older.

Kathy (left), Murphy (center) and Ann (right) were all playing with sticks that had string tied to the end. We were either fishing or whipping (not sure which). Notice the brick sidewalks, brick street (they show better on subsequent photos), and 1951 Kaiser automobile (a classic, the last year Kaiser built cars for America). This was in front of the Murphy and Kathy's home.


Also in front of Murphy and Kathy's home were Kathy (left), Ann (middle) and Murphy (right).


Murphy (foreground) and Ann (background) in front of Murphy and Kathy's home.


Kathy in her front yard.


Ann (left), Murphy (center) and Kathy (right) with their wheels. We are looking south along the street from Murphy and Kathy's home.


Ann and Murphy showed that there was more than one way to ride a trike. We were cool. Again, looking south from Murphy and Kathy's front yard.


Ann and Kathy (with scowl) again.


Left to right, Kathy, Murphy, Ann, and David. Notice that the front of yard did not have much grass between the sidewalk and house. A tree and several bushes sucked up most of the water. Our mom always said that she could use her time to raise grass or to raise kids.


Kathy and David in front of Murphy and Kathy's home.


Murphy and Ann.


Doug (running to left) and Murphy (back to you) looking south from Murphy's front yard, across Doug's front yard, south.


Doug carried Kathy on the front sidewalk.


Murphy shot his real-sounding rifle from his front porch.


Murphy showed off a bird egg that he found. I really liked that fish-swimming-pattern shirt.


Murphy on his trike in front of his home. Ann and Doug's home can be seen in the background.


Murphy and Kathy in front of their home. Ann and Doug's home can be seen in the background.


Kathy rode her trike as Murphy sat on his (or Kathy's as she alleges) tractor in the backyard of their home.


Murphy and Kathy on the sidewalk in front of their home.


Murphy in his Goose Bay, Labrador, sweatshirt on his front porch.


Last updated September 27, 2000, by Murphy and Kathy.