Hi! Come on in and be refreshed from the hassles of daily living. Those of you who have been here before may have noticed things look a little different. I was ready for a change! I hope you enjoy wandering around as much as I enjoyed compiling everything.

I guess I should tell you a little about myself for those of you who didn't see my first effort! I am a musician, the same as Linda, except my instrument is just a wee bit bigger than hers! ~I play the piano and have since I was five years old. Although I only started to seriously study it within the past five-six years! Music is one of the things that makes life a little more bearable and fun for me. Another is my love for Jesus Christ. I couldn't get by for even one day without that! Be sure to check out my Christian Links page! I studied piano for one year in an applied music program at a Junior College in Southern California, which is where I met Linda and became her accompanist. The end of last year I started teaching private piano lessons, and have future plans of going back to school for a bachelor's degree. But for now, I practice. And practice and practice....*grin* It's amazing just how fast your fingers forget where they belong!

While I'm on the subject of music, be sure and check out some of my favorite piano and classical music sites! The Music Teacher's National Association site has some really wonderful resources on it. I haven't had a chance to completely check everything out yet, but they all sure look interesting!

Evgeny Kissin
Classical Insites
Piano Parlor
Kawai Piano
Music Teacher's National Association
Music Teacher's Association of California

I decided that it was time to expand a little...wait, aren't we all trying to not expand a little?! *grin* I now have four brand new pages! One on travel, one on cats, one featuring some of my favorite quotations, and one on scrapbooking. My travel page has a brief summary on things to see and do in different cities. (San Diego will probably be the most detailed since I'm most familiar with it!) There is also a very interesting feature on this page. Be sure to check it out!

My cat page was originally going to have the history of some of my favorite cat breeds. I'm still toying with this idea, but for now I'm sticking with a short "autobiography" of my cat Lucky, stories of Linda's cats, and links to some really neat cat pages that feature breeds that I'm fond of. My quotations page has various quotations that I've found in various places and liked. And last, but not least, I have added a scrapbooking links page. There are links to scrapbooking sites and also to some really nice graphics sites. Enjoy!

Christian LinksComposer's Pages
Travel Pages
Cat Pages
Favorite Quotes
Scrapbooking Links
Click on the hat to see my graphics


Click on the angel above to get back to Linda's page!

~If, instead of a gem or even a flower, we could cast the gift of a lovely thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.~

Here are a few places I've found. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. If you're looking for Christian links, check out my Christian Links page! Click Herefor classical music links. If you're looking for San Diego links, click Here

Visit Your National Parks
Kellogg's Planet
Simplicity Patterns
Virtual Dessert Machine--send a virtual dessert
Virtual Presents--Send a virtual present
The Cyberguy--Lots of interesting things here
Stretch & Sew Patterns
Tower of London--VERY! cool page!
Camelot International--has geneology, history...
Kraft Kitchens--Lots of recipes!
The Long Beach Aquarium--Very cool site!
Fleichsmanns Yeast--Really good recipes

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