
Welcome to my Tenney Page!

This is my genealogical background on my mother's side. Her mother's maiden name was Tenney. This name came from England to this country in the 1600's. I prepared this paper for a college class in geography and will reproduce it here in the hope that a Tenney person or anyone interested in genealogy will find it interesting!

This page has myPedigree charts on my mother's side back to 1539.Soon to come... Photos of some of my ancestors, linked to their names and the brief history that follows.

Here is a list of the last names in my pedigree chart. Those marked by * are in the L.D.S. pedigree chart along lines that I did not follow at this time. The names marked by + are along lines that are not in my direct line, as in, first or second wife. Bailey, Boynton, Burrell*, Dawson*, Godish, Hanrin, Hanson, Hutchens+, Jewett, Lufkin, McBee, Mighill, Morris, Pierson*, Pike+, Proctor, Pulham, Stickney, Swan, TENNEY, Thompson*, Trumball*, Trumbull*, Vicken, Wicken, Wood*.

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Pedigree Charts

I am working on the Short Family History from 1638 to present.So it will be here soon. I hope!


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