Jeremiah's Housekeeper
On the following page is a typed copy of a "Bill of Sale" for a negro woman, obviously a slave. The sale was from Jeremiah Jones to his son, Thomas Jones, both of whom lived about four miles from Salley, SC in what is now the Sawyerdale community.
The document has lain unnoticed in the Salley Archives building in Orangeburg for many years. Now that it has been discovered, it creates a question. Should the actual evidence of slave-holding in a specific family be made public, or should it continue to be "lost" in the files of an archive?
I am a descendant of Jeremiah Jones, and of his son, Thomas. After consideration, I believe that ignoring the existence of this document and what it stood for would accomplish no good, either for the descendants of Jeremiah, or for the descendants of the woman, Cambo. On the contrary, recognition of its existence may provide some positive results.
First, and very important, is my hope that it may become a link in some black family's search for their ancestry. Second, nothing is to be gained by pretending that slavery did not exist, or by pretending that a particular family did not particpate in it. Among our many ancestors, there were those who owned slaves and there were those who did not. Among the "did nots", there were probably some who opposed the practice. There were also those who gave their lives in the Civil War because of their belief that the practice should be continued. There were, we know for a fact, several who gave their lives in that struggle even though they nor their families had slaves. Perhaps one day, one of us will discover documents or other indications of their reasons for going to war as a Southern soldier.
As to this specific story, we should note that Jeremiah Jones was 77 years of age when this transaction took place, and he obviously recognized the possibility of death or the decision to "breake up housekeeping". This woman was obviously his housekeeper, and a valued servant. Jeremiah's wife, Elizabeth, had died in 1828, at age fifty-nine.
A slave in this position must have been treated well, else the needs of an aging master would not likely be met. We can wonder, but may never know, her age or whether she had a husband and/or children. Some researcher might someday find records showing how and when Cambo came to this family, possibly even some proof of her descendents, if any.
Ironically, this sale was probably never consumated, since Thomas died five years later, on February 24, 1842 at the age of 47. Jeremiah, on the other hand, lived until May 3, 1848, at which time he was 89 years, 7 months and 24 days of age. After Thomas' death, his estate of 17,000 acres was divided among his seven children. Most of the land adjoined Jeremiah's homestead, where we can probably assume he still resided. Several of his grandchildren lived within a few miles of his home, which was apparently near the present Jones cemetery.
Jeremiah Jones to Thomas Jones
January 27, 1837
The following document is on file at the Salley Archives in Orangeburg, SC. It was identified by Martha Bonnette, a volunteer worker, who made a copy from which this was typed.
South Carolina, Orangeburg District
Know all men by these presents that I Jeremiah
Jones of the state and District aforesaid have granted,
bargained, sold and released unto Thomas Jones of the the name of Cambo
same place one Negro Woman /\ for the sum of one thou-
sand Dollars to be delivered to him at my Decease
or at any time I may think proper to breake up house
-keeping. The right and title of said Woman I do
warrant and forever defer unto the said Thomas Jones
his heirs and assigns forever against myself and my heirs
and against every person claiming this Negro or any part
thereof Interlined under the fourth line before signed.
Given under my hand and seal this 27th of January 1837.
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presents of
John A Sally...................signature of
John D. Williams.............. Jeremiah Jones
Jacob Sally
State of South Carolina ) Before me personally appeared
Orangeburg District ) John A Salley and made oath
that he was present and saw Jeremiah Jones signe seal
and delliver the above Bill of Sale for the uses and
purposes therein mentioined and that he with John D.
Williams and Jacob Salley witnessed the due execution
Sworn to before me............signature of
this 27th of January 1837-....John A Sally
David Williamson, J?
Notes: 1. The spelling of "Salley" is as it was on the original. When written by others, "Salley' was spelled with an "e", when signed by Jacob Sally and John A. Sally, there was no "e".
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