Dear Ryanne,I wrote you a letter on this subject first in 1996 when you asked me about our Jones ancestors. I told you that I was glad that you and your teacher were interested in where they came from. I am especially glad that you have a teacher who encourages you to learn about your ancestors. Now, only a year later, thanks to modern technology, I can send you some more information, and in a form that you can make your own, to copy, print, send to others, add to a notebook, or whatever you might want to do. Isn't the internet great?
The first Jones ancestor that we know very much about was Roger Jones. He was born about 1625 - 1635, in Nottingham, England. (That would make him too young to have been with the Pilgrims, wouldn't it?) He spent some time in this country about 1680, but went back to England and died at his house in Stepney, near London, in 1701. He was buried at the Parish Church of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, January 6, 1701.
Roger had two sons, Thomas and Frederick. They lived in Virginia. Frederick was our ancestor. He moved to North Carolina and his descendents came to South Carolina and elsewhere. Thomas' descendents mostly went to Kentucky, so we probably have a lot of relatives in Kentucky.
Roger was a captain in the armies of King Charles II of England. He came to this country (Virginia) with Lord Culpeper in 1680. Lord Culpeper was to become the governor of the colony of Virginia. In 1701, Lady Culpepper (Lord Culpeper's wife) invited Roger's son Thomas to visit her at Leeds Castle. In 1994, Aunt Helen's son, Ed LeCroy, visited England, where his wife, Sheila, was born, and he and his son Edwin went to Leeds Castle. It is a tourist spot now. He took some pictures of it, also. You can see pictures of the Castle and learn what it is like today by visiting one of several web sites that feature the Castle -- just type "Leeds castle" in a search engine.
In 1891, one of our Kentucky relatives, Judge L. H. Jones of Winchester, wrote a book about Captain Roger. The title was "Captain Roger Jones of London and Virginia". I was lucky enough to learn about this book through a coworker who is working on her own ancestry and I obtained a photo-copy of the book from the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Masasachusetts.
Besides using the book for building our "family tree", I plan to enter a lot of it in my computer and then onto our web page. This excerpt is the first - it is a verbatim copy of Captain Jones' will - with spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. just as it was in the original will. Later, I will add an "Americanized - Modernized" version of it that will be easier to read and will demonstrate the value of the way we write today.
I also plan to create a list of questions for you and your thousands of Jones cousins to consider. As you read this version, you will probably find questions yourself, so I'll be glad for you to e-mail them to me and I will add them to mine.
Now, lets go back nearly three hundred years, to August 1701 in the County of Middlesex England.
The introduction is in the words of Judge Jones.
"The following is a copy of a certified copy of Capt. Roger Jones' Will obtained by me from Somerset House in 1889:
<Extracted from the Principal Registry of the Probate Divorce and admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice.
In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I, Captaine Roger Jones of the parish of St. Dunstan Stepney in the County of Middlesex being sick in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory (praised be God for the same) and considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof Doe make and declare my last Will and testament in manner and form following that is to say
Imprimis my Will and desire is to be buried at Mansfield in the County of Nottingham in the grave with my late wife Dorothy daughter of John Walker of Mansfield aforesaid Esqre.
Item I give and bequeath to priscilla Jones my dear present wife the sume of fifty pounds to put herselfe and family in Mourning
Item I give to my ten friends hereinafter named the sume of twenty shillings apiece to buy each of them a ring that is to say Sr. Richard Haddock Coll. Philip Ludwell Arthur Bailey Esqre. Richard Perry Benjamin Hatley Captain Hopefor Bendall John Thompson Dennis Lyddell Esqre. Charles Deakyn and Anthony Morris
Item I give to Capt. Francis Willis the sum of five guineas
Item I give to Samuel Deane Gent. the sume of tenn pounds to buy him a ring
Item I give the use of all the plate I presented my now wife with upon her marriage with me to my said dear wife priscilla during her life she giving bond to my son Frederick Jones within two months after my decease for the safe delivery thereof to him his execrs. or admrs. after her decease or the value thereof according to a just and true appraisement thereof and after my said present wife's decease I give and bequeath the said plate unto my said son Frederick Jones I give the Bedd Boalsters and pillows I now lye on to my said son Frederick Jones and all the rest of my household goods and utensills of household not by me otherwise disposed of that shall be in or about my now dwelling house in Stepney aforesaid at the time of my death (except my horses and chariott) I give and bequeath the same to my said dear wife priscilla
Item Whereas by my marriage articles with my said now wife priscilla I did covenant that in case I should depart this life leaveing the said priscilla alive before such purchase and Settlemt. made as is therein mentioned That then my execrs. or admrs. should after my decease pay & satisfy unto the said priscilla or her assigns the full yearely sume of one hundred pounds by quarterly payments for and during her naturall life Now my mind and will is and I doe hereby give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my Estate both reall and personall whatsoever and wheresoever not otherwise by me disposed of (after my debts legacies and such other legacies as I shall give by any codicill or codicills to be annexed to this my will and my funerall charges first paid) unto my son Frederick Jones his heires execrs. and admrs. Upon speciall trust and confidence that he shall and doe thereout in the first place pay and satisfie unto my said wife priscilla or her assigns the yearly sume of one hundred pounds by quarterly payments for and dureing her naturall life in pursuance and discharge of my before recited Covenant in that behalfe the first payment thereof to begin & be made at the end of the first quarter of a year next after my decease provided alwaies and I doe declare it to be my Will & meaning that my said son Frederick Jones shall & may deduct and take out of the said annuall sume of one hundred pounds hereinbefore directed to be by him paid unto my said wife aforementioned such full and the like sume and sumes of money as shall be from time to time paid and payable unto the Kings Majestys by vertue of any act or acts of Parliament for estates of the like yearely value of one hundred pounds and that from time to time and at all times by equall quarterly sumes or deductions when and as long and as often as the houses lands and estates of this kingdom shall be charged or chargeable with any taxes or assessments to the Kings Majesty his heirs or successors by any act or acts of parliament and after my debts legacies funerall charges and the aforesaid trust paid and performed I give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my said reall & personall estate unto my said son Frederick Jones his heirs execrs. and admrs. to his owne use
Item I give and bequeathe unto my son Thomas Jones one shilling & noe more in full barr and satisfaction of all his right claime or tithe to my estate as well reall as personall by any deed or deeds of gift or other Instrument or writeing or otherwise howsoever and I doe hereby revoke countermand and make void all & every such deed & deeds of gift instruments and writeings whatsoever
Item I declare that a silver tankard in the possession of my said son Frederick is not mine but belongs to my said son Thomas and was bought with monies given him by my Lady Culpepper
Item I give my own picture the Lord Fairfax's picture and a picture of fish now over the doore in my best parlour at Stepney aforesaid after my now wife's decease to my son Frederick Jones but my wife to have the use of them dureing her life
Item I revoke and make void all former wills devises deeds of gift and bequests by me made And of this my last will & testament doe constitute and appoint my said son Frederick Jones my sole Executor And I doe hereby desire and request my loveing friends Samuel Deane and Mr. Francis Willis to be overseers of this my will earnestly intreating them to see the same justly and truely performed. In witness whereof I the said Roger Jones have to this my last will and testament contained in these two sheets of paper that is to say to each of them sett my hand and seale this seventeenth day of August Ano. Dii 1701 and in the thirteenth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord William the third by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith &c
Roger Jones (L S) Signed sealed published declared and delivered by the said Roger Jones for and as his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names in the presence of the said Testator Vizt.
Sam Deane Sarah Elderton Wm. Deane
For those who may want to concentrate on the message of the will without being distracted by the quaint words, spelling and punctuation (or lack thereof), I have edited the above to make it easier to read. Enjoy!
An Edited/Americanized/Modernized version of
The introduction is in the words of Judge L. H. Jones of Winchester, Kentucky, in his book "Captain Roger Jones of London and Virginia, published 1891.
"The following is a copy of a certified copy of Capt. Roger Jones' Will obtained by me from Somerset House in 1889:
Extracted from the Principal Registry of the Probate Divorce and admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice.
In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
I, Captain Roger Jones, of the parish of St. Dunstan Stepney in the County of Middlesex, being sick in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory (praised be God for the same) and considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof, do make and declare my last Will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say
Imprimis My will and desire is to be buried at Mansfield in the County of Nottingham in the grave with my late wife Dorothy, daughter of John Walker of Mansfield aforesaid Esquire.
Item I give and bequeath to Priscilla Jones, my dear present wife the sum of fifty pounds to put herself and family in Mourning.
Item I give to my ten friends hereinafter named the sum of twenty shillings apiece to buy each of them a ring; that is to say: Sr. Richard Haddock, Coll. Philip Ludwell, Arthur Bailey Esqre, Richard Perry, Benjamin Hatley, Captain Hopefor Bendall, John Thompson, Dennis Lyddell Esqre., Charles Deakyn and Anthony Morris.
Item I give to Capt. Francis Willis the sum of five guineas.
Item I give to Samuel Deane Gent. the sume of ten pounds to buy him a ring.
Item I give the use of all the plate I presented my now wife with upon her marriage with me to my said dear wife Priscilla during her life; she giving bond to my son Frederick Jones within two months after my decease for the safe delivery thereof to him, his execrs. or admrs. after her decease or the value thereof according to a just and true appraisement thereof and after my said present wife's decease I give and bequeath the said plate unto my said son Frederick Jones. I give the Bedd Boalsters and pillows I now lie on to my said son Frederick Jones and all the rest of my household goods and utensils of household not by me otherwise disposed of that shall be in or about my now dwelling house in Stepney aforesaid at the time of my death (except my horses and chariot), I give and bequeath the same to my said dear wife Priscilla.
Item Whereas, by my marriage articles with my said now wife Priscilla I did covenant that in case I should depart this life leaving the said Priscilla alive before such purchase and Settlement made as is therein mentioned, that then my executors or administrators should after my decease pay and satisfy unto the said Priscilla or her assigns the full yearly sum of one hundred pounds by quarterly payments for and during her natural life Now my mind and will is and I do hereby give, devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my Estate both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever not otherwise by me disposed of (after my debts, legacies and such other legacies as I shall give by any codicill or codicills to be annexed to this my will and my funeral charges first paid) unto my son Frederick Jones his heirs executors and administrators, upon special trust and confidence that he shall and do thereout in the first place pay and satisfy unto my said wife Priscilla or her assigns the yearly sum of one hundred pounds by quarterly payments for and during her natural life in pursuance and discharge of my before recited Covenant in that behalf; the first payment thereof to begin and be made at the end of the first quarter of a year next after my decease provided always and I do declare it to be my Will and meaning that my said son Frederick Jones shall and may deduct and take out of the said annual sum of one hundred pounds hereinbefore directed to be by him paid unto my said wife aforementioned such full and the like sum and sums of money as shall be from time to time paid and payable unto the Kings Majesties by virtue of any act or acts of Parliament for estates of the like yearly value of one hundred pounds and that from time to time and at all times by equal quarterly sums or deductions when and as long and as often as the houses lands and estates of this kingdom shall be charged or chargeable with any taxes or assessments to the Kings Majesty his heirs or successors by any act or acts of parliament and after my debts, legacies, funeral charges and the aforesaid trust paid and performed, I give devise and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my said real and personal estate unto my said son Frederick Jones, his heirs, executors, and administrators to his own use.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Jones one shilling & no more in full bar and satisfaction of all his right, claim, or tithe to my estate as well real as personal by any deed or deeds of gift or other Instrument or writing or otherwise howsoever and I doe hereby revoke, countermand and make void all and every such deed and deeds of gift instruments and writings whatsoever.
Item I declare that a silver tankard in the possession of my said son Frederick is not mine but belongs to my said son Thomas and was bought with monies given him by my Lady Culpepper.
Item I give my own picture, the Lord Fairfax's picture and a picture of fish now over the door in my best parlour at Stepney aforesaid after my now wife's decease to my son Frederick Jones but my wife to have the use of them during her life.
Item I revoke and make void all former wills, devises, deeds of gift and bequests by me made, and of this my last will and testament do constitute and appoint my said son Frederick Jones my sole Executor, and I do hereby desire and request my loving friends, Samuel Deane and Mr. Francis Willis to be overseers of this my will, earnestly intreating them to see the same justly and truly performed.
Roger Jones (L S) Signed, sealed, published, declared and delivered by the said Roger Jones for and as his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names in the presence of the said Testator Vizt.
Sam Deane.....Sarah Elderton.....Wm. Deane
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