Welcome to my Christmas Page
 This is my favorite time of year so this page will be up year round and changing periodically. Or at least as soon as I figure out how to get this one to load properly.
     Family and friends are the most important part of this season.  It's a time of togetherness and spreading joy whereever you go.  I wish I could be with all my family at Christmas as I love them all so very much. Since that is impossible I keep them in my thoughts and in my heart everyday.  This page is dedicated to the little children all around the world and the little child in all of us.
     Have fun and I hope you enjoy my little bit of Christmas!
A Very Merry Christmas To You & Yours!
Some Things to Try
    A nice tradition to start if you have kids is to have them go through thier toy bin and pick out something to give to a child less fortunate.
Go to a lot and pick out your tree, if possible a lot that you can cut your own. It's a great family activity.
Popcorn and cranberry garlands are always fun and easy to put together. Just be sure and use a blunt needle when kids are involved.
Ways you can help Others
First contact your local Volunteer Center. They will have information on local food and toy drives for needy families.
Just remember that volunteers are needed in many different areas. If you have a skill of any kind you could help make the Holidays a much happier time for those less fortunate than yourself.
Christmas is a time of giving and your most precious gift is that of yourself!

This is for my Aunt Bela who always loved Betty Boop. She may never see it but it's for her all the same.

 Here's a couple of christmas poems you might enjoy. I wish I knew who to credit but as of now I don't. If you know the author let me know and I'll be sure and include thier name.
The True Meaning of Christmas
Teach the Children ...
Teach them the old meaning of Christmas
That seems to have been forgotten
Teach them that ...
The shining star is ...
the heavenly sign of promise long ago.
The countless stars at night now show
that God sent us a Savior long ago
Red is the first color of Christmas
To remind us of the blood Christ shed for all of us
The Christmas Tree ...
 is the second color of Christmas
Green all year long to symbolize hope
Needles pointing heavenward
to remind us to turn our thoughts toward heaven
The Christmas Bell ...
Used to find lost sheep
Now reminds us
To return to the "fold" for guidance
Candles and Christmas lights ...
show our thanks
for the star long ago
Small lights to mirror the star light long ago
Bows on our presents ...
represent Good Will Forever
Just as the bows tie our packages together
so are all men tied together in good will
Candy canes ...
A shepherd's crook
To bring the strays back to the fold
and remind us that we are our brother's keepers
A Christmas Wreath ...
A perfect round
Never beginning and never ending
Just like love ... ours and God's
      The Net Before Christmas
                                   (By: Jim Trudeau & Jay Truedeau .. 1991
                                    With apologies to Clement C. Moore)
                           'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the nets
                               Not a mousie was stirring, not even the pets.
                             The floppies were stacked by the modem with care
                              In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
                                 The files were nestled all snug in a folder
                            The screen saver turned on, the weather was colder.
                              And leaving the keyboard along with my mouse
                              I turned from the screen to the rest of the house.
                             When up from the drive there arose such a clatter
                             I turned to the screen to see what was the matter.
                                  Away to the mouse I flew like a flash,
                               Zoomed open a window in fear of a crash...
                             The glow from the screen on the keyboard below
                                Gave an electronic luster to all my macros.
                              When what to my wondering eyes should appear
                               But a little sleigh icon with eight tiny reindeer
                                And a tiny disk driver so SCSI and quick
                                 I knew in a nano it must be Saint Nick.
                             More rapid than trackballs his cursors they came,
                             He whistled and shouted and faxed them by name.
                            "Now Flasher! Now Dasher! Now Raster and Bixel!
                             On Phosphor! On Photon! On Baudrate and Pixel!
                              To the top of the stack. To the top of the heap."
                                Then each little reindeer made a soft beep.
                                 As data that before the wild electrons fly,
                              When they meet with a node, mount to the drive,
                               So up to the screentop the cursors they flew
                                With a sleigh full of disks and databits, too.
                               And then in a twinkling I heard the high whine
                               Of a modem connecting at a baud rate so fine.
                               As I gazed at the screen with a puzzling frown
                            St. Nicholas logged on though I thought I was down.
                             He was dressed all in bytes from header to footer
                           And the words on the screen said "Don't you reboot 'er."
                                 A bundle of bits he had flung on his back
                             And he looked like a programmer starting his hack.
                              His eyes how they glazed, his hair was so scary,
                                His cola was jolt, not flavored with cherry.
                               His droll little mouth was drawn up like a GIF
                               And the pixels of his beard sure gave me a lift.
                               The stump of a routine he held tight in his code
                               And I knew he had made it past the last node.
                               He spoke not a word but looked right at me
                                  And I saw in a flash his file was .SEA.
                             He self-decompressed and I watched him unfold,
                                  Into a jolly old elf, a sight to behold.
                             And the whispering sound of my hard drive's head
                              Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
                             He went straight to his work without saying a word
                                And filled all the folders of this happy nerd.
                                And 'tis the whole truth, as the story is told,
                               That giving a nod up the window he scrolled,
                               He sprang to the serial port as if truly on fire
                             And away they all flew down the thin copper wire.
                             But I heard him exclaim as he scrolled out of sight
                             "Happy Christmas to All, and to all a good night."