06/12/03 - We bought a 3rd car in May...It's a 4 door Daewoo Lanos. We drive it to and from work mainly to keep the miles low on the Expedition and save money on gas.
06/10/03 - Alright, so it's been 8 months since we updated the website...I plan on added some long overdue vacation photos in the coming week. We've also taking a trip in September to the Turks & Caicos Islands which is located about 30 miles south of the Bahamas.
10/29/02 - We've been so busy lately that I haven't had the opportunity to update site but I'll be doing more of it in the coming weeks! Today I've added 15 photos of the "Family Room Niches Project". I added a new link for this page.
06/03/02 - We're leaving for Walt Disneyworld in less then 1 week! I'm half way through building family room niches...The framing and electrical work is done. When we return from our trip, drywalling will begin! Photos will be posted soon.
05/02/02 - We're going to Walt Disney World in about 4 weeks! We added a webpage for that as well.
05/01/02 - OK...It's been over 4 months since we last updated the website. We have an excuse. WE'VE BEEN BUSY! The lanscaping is almost completed after 10 tons of boulders, 600 feet of PVC piping, almost 100 plants and 10 trees! 38 tons or gravel will be delivered tomorrow! We've also just added a new landscaping page.
12/18/01 - After 2 months of hard work and 6 more weeks waiting for the sofas to be completed by the manufacturer, the theater room has been completed! The sofas were delivered last Saturday and we moved the TV into it's niche and we're ready to watch some movies! See the Theater Room page for new photos.
12/09/01 - Landscaping has begun - I started digging trenches for the sprinkler system with a little help from my brother-in-law (Rich). I'm begin posting some photos in the coming weeks.
10/23/01 - Wow!!! It's been a long time since we've updated our webpage! We've been very busy but we've found the time to add a new page that has some photos and info about the Theater Room project started in early September (6 weeks ago). We'll be posting some new photos of the house in the coming week.
08/15/01 - Finally, we get to pick up the keys Friday!...We propably won't be updating the website for a couple of weeks due to unpacking and getting settled in.