What people have responded (continuted)!
(name) heather mcmahon
(location) psl fl
(site) cadette/senior group 272
(Level) Senior
(comment) i love our group it is the best
(name) Jeannie
(location) Michigan
(leader/other) Leader of Juniors Cadettes & Senior Scouts
(comment) I enjoyed my visit. Keep up the good work. Your troops sounds very
busy which is great.
(name) Merana
(location) Vero Beach
(leader/other) Commitee, archivist
(comment) Hello, If your troop, 272, is ever interested in
studying old or international uniforms, contact me.
(name) Catherine
(location) New Zealand
(leader/other) Ranger (NZ for senior) and help with brownies
(comment) sounds like a cool troop to be in. I'm in a good ranger unit too.
(name) Elly Finnerty
(location) Washington Crossing, NJ
(leader/other) Leader of Brownie Tr 617, Lawrenceville NJ (1st Gr)
(comment) Found your fantastic page through the Cath. Guides of Ireland guestbook.
I also led Cad/Sr for 6 yrs. You girls are doing a great job!
(name) Tracy
(location) Michigan
(site) Website
(Level) Br/Jr Leader
(comment) You have done such a wondeful job with your site. Keep up the
great work. Thanks for all the info.
(name) Angela Barrett-Wilhite
(location) Cannon Valley Girl Scout Council, MN
(leader/other) I'm the Co-Camp Director of a Girl Scout Camp
(comment) I think you have a great web site here...
I'm checking out the Senior Girl Scout troops on the
internet to search for camp staff for summer 2000! I think it'd
be really cool to have staff from around the country. If
anyone is interested in finding out information about
Girl Scout Camp Singing Hills, drop me an email at angela.barrett@mankato.msus.edu.
(name) Sheryl Becker
(location) Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand
(leader/other) Lone Guider (Leader)
(comment) Great site.
(name) Tamara Bobst
(location) Madison Ohio
(leader/other) Leader of a Daisy troop, and Unit Organizer
(comment) As an organizer for our Service Unit, I would like to know what kind of events or special programs
that you have done to retain your girls as they get older and higher up in the schools. We are losing some of our cadettes
and would like some ideas on how to keep them, and recruit new girls.
Thank you , Tamara Bobst
(name) Jan
(location) England
(leader/other) Girl Guide
I think your web site is great. I am a Girl Guide in England we also have a website: http://www.guides.org.uk/
I am helping out at 4th Parkstone Brownies for my service flash and my Baden-Powell.If anyone would like to e-mail to my
pen-pal they can! Also to British Guides if you want to e-mail me about the loss of our sashes then title the subject heading:
"Save Our Sashes" or "SOS" I hope to hear from you soon!!
From Jan (13)
(Patrol Leader of the Red Roses, 2nd Parkstone, Poole East Division, Dorset, Soth West ENGLAND)
(name) Patt Cheney
(location) Oak Park, Illinois
(site) Troop #435 under construction
(leader/other) Leader of Cadettes (newly bridged)
(comment) great site! We love to swap patches, postcards, swaps, mascots....and are looking for some pen pals. This is a 6th
and 7th grade troop.
Thanks for a terrific site.
Patt Cheney
Troop #435, Leader
Lone Tree Council
Oak Park, Illinois