
Schatzie I just want you to know how happy I am to be in doggy heaven. It is great up here! My legs work fine they dont shake anymore.

The views are so neat. I can see all of Bevil Oaks and Beaumont and everything in Texas. I can see when you running around in the backyard chasing Squirrels and I see the new little puppy you have to play with. Schatzie, teach her all the bratty tricks you have been doing to me, so you can enjoy them when Sleeper pulls them on you ;) At the end of my time there, I had a hard time playing with you because I couldn't run so fast anymore. I want to thank the whole family for taking care of me for 13 great years.

You see, I selected you all, you didn't select me, because I knew you were a great family that would take really good care of me! And wow you all did take the best care of me. Really, really good as you would say. You fed me and kept me bathed even though I gave you a hard time after the baths, but hey I had to show who is boss ;) You kept the food bowls clean, because you knew that was important to me. You were my very best special friends. Thanks.

You took me to the vet for my check ups and shots. Remember when I had the puppies you nursed me through that too and took care of them because I couldn't. Remember when I had to wear that silly lamp shade over my head. Even though you laughed at me you knew how stupid I felt walking around with that lamp shade on my head and you were able to give me comfort. By the way, would you please throw out all the photos of me bumping into walls and chairs with that stupid thing on my head... it just is not in keeping with my lady-like personality hahaha.

The love shown to me by Schatzie, Chris and Little Bill was awsome. I loved them so much I could never fight with them. I just tried to return their love to thank them for cuddling with me on the floor and petting me so gently and stuff like that. I know they loved me so much, even when I got old and even though I could not show them the attention the way I did when I was younger and full of it. (Regarding the poop, I apologize for the little problem I had sometimes.

There is NO way I could possibly thank you all enough for the help and joy you gave to me during our 13 years together. I was sorry I had to go when I did, but I was starting to hurt. I had zero energy for activity! It was definitely time. Like Renate said, I was having way more bad days than good. I really was not happy at the end, and now I am happy again. Remember me with smiles on your faces because that is the way I remember you and Bill, Chris, Little Bill and Schatzie. I have a big smile on my face now. My ears are still standing up. Oh yes...Thank you Renate for not putting me through the pain of getting them clipped.

I like going for drives now. My head is way out the window when I go driving around with my new furry friends. I ran into Kleines Smokey and Bubba the other day they coming too. There are no fences or leashes here. I go for walks with them often. Life is great again! It really was time for me to go, and I thank you for your help in making it dignified and easy.

I love you, Renate, Bill, Chris, Little Bill and Schatzie, and always will.

Fancy Reba von Mangus

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