Sites that I have found to be interesting:


The following web sites could, and probably will, lead to "Rustaholicism" , which is very resistive to any cure.

Hi, my name is Richard, and I am a rustaholic.

"Antique Small Engine Collectors Club (ASECC)"

"Antique Tractor Forum"
The oldest, biggest & most complete antique tractor site on the net.

"Ageless Iron"
Farm machinery index, loaded with information.

"Antique Gas Engine Home Page (Craig Prucha)"
Many pictures of one lung engines.

"Antique Mechanics Home Page"
Student organization at University of California - Davis. Pictures of tractor.

"Antique John Deere Tractors"

"Aubrey's Old Engine Collection"

"Bill's Antique Gas Engines"
FMC & Maytag serial numbers, engine pictures, show dates around Iowa.

"Blake's Place, Steam Engines, Tractors, etc."
Lots of information on the oil industry in Ohio.

"Brillman,s Ignition Parts"
Ignition products for antique engines and tractors.

"Central Mass. Steam, Gas and Mach. Association"

"Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Ass. Home Page"
National Organization for steam and gas engine enthusiats.

"Fairbanks Morse Engines"
History of Fairbanks Morse with pictures.

"Fort Allen Antique Farm Equipment Assn."

"Gary's Antique Tractors"
Great pictures and links.

Restoration Association in the Gastonia N.C. area.

"Gas Engine Magazine"
Publisher of Gas Engine & Iron Man Mags. Ads for Show Directory, books etc. links.

"Gravely Tractors of Yesterday"
Lots of good information on Gravely garden tractors, pictures, serial nos. model identification, etc.

"Grenning Model Engine Builder"
Builder and collector of working-historically significant internal combustion engine models.

"Harry Matthews' Old Engines"
Top 5% site.Lots of information, lots of links, just about everthing you could want.

"Harry's Magneto & Ignition Page"
Learn about the workings of Magnetos.

"Hit & Miss Enterprises"
New and used parts for antique farm engines.

"Humprey water pump"
Unique water pump with no crankshaft, piston or flywheels.

"Jerry's Antique Engines (Jerry MacMartin)"
Spark plug collector, magneto repairs.

"Johns Hobby Page"
Old engines & tractors also some serial number lists.

"Keith Kinney's Hercules Page"
Serial numbers and pictures.

"Lee Maxwell's Antique Washing Machines"
An astounding collection of antique washing machines.

"Lomita Railroad Museum"
Steam Era railroad museum.

"Maine Antique Power Association"

"Maytag Shed of Marvin McCulloug"
pictures, links, etc.

"McPeak Antiques"
Buy, sell or trade engines, antiques, etc.

"Nate Stoller's Maytag Club"
Lots of information on Maytag engines and equipment, history etc.

"New England Wireless & Steam Museum"
Antique radios, wireless station, pictures of steam engines.

"North Texas Antique Tractor & Engine Club"
Pictures of tractors and engines.

"Old Engine Home Page"
A magazine format with show listings.

"Paul SanDoe Magnetos"
Magneto repair and sales.

"Pioneer Steam & Gas Engine Society"

"Rusty Iron Workshop(Rob Skinner)"

"Rock Ridge Farm
Antique tractor collector and restorer.

"Rough and Tumble Museum"
A GREAT place to visit.

"Small-Scale Live Steam Locomotives"

"Steam & Engine of Australia"

"Steve's Old Engine Shed"

"The Antique Outboard Motor Club"

"The British Lawnmower Museum"

"The Harrolds' Antique Tractors & Engines"
Links!Links, and more Links.

"Tod Engine Project (steam)"
A page on a group preserving a 200 ton cross-compound steam engine in Youngstown Ohio. There are a number of pictures of the engine and engine house, descriptions, and specs.

"The Flying Yankee Restoration Project"
The Flying Yankee returns to New Hampshire.

"Vemont Engines"
Rare Vermont Engines.

"The Last Run of N&W 611"
Interesting story (with pictures) of the last run of the 611.

"Zain's Flywheel Engine Homepage"

Find a broken link, let me know. Want your site listed? let me know. Cure for Rustaholicism, none, but then I'm not looking.

Richard Carrier
East Rochester NH
Updated: all links were working as of: 2/13/01
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