~ English Riding ~
There are many forms of English Riding Styles, to many to list on one page. These are just a few of the popular ones...
The three-day event originated as a competition for cavalry horses. In the days when each country
depended upon the cavalry in battle, horses were a vital part of the army. Friendly boasting at the end
of a day's campaign as to the relative courage, speed and stamina of particular horses, evolved into a
series of tests to prove these claims. These friendly contests were formalized into a competition
known, naturally enough, as "The Military Three-Day Event" or, more commonly, "The Military". With
the demise of cavalries, the sport was quickly taken up by civilian riders.
In France, the competition is referred to as the "concours complet" - the complete competition. In
track and field, the decathlon represents the ultimate in testing the all-around skill of an athlete. In
equestrian sport the ultimate test is known as the three-day event. This competition encompasses three
separate tests, each scored individually but added together for the final score. Hence the modern name
- combined training. The horse trial is a shortened version of a three-day event and, although it was
originally introduced as a preparation for a three-day event, it is now regarded by many as a challenge
in itself.
A horse trial encompasses the same three disciplines as the three-day event - dressage, cross-country,
and show jumping - but does not place the same emphasis on endurance (the roads and tracks and
steeplechase phases of the three-day event are omitted in a horse trial.) A horse trial may be held over
one, two, or even three days. The dressage phase is always held first and is usually followed by
cross-country and then show jumping in that order; sometimes, however, the show jumping will
precede the cross-country, as this puts less stress on the horses and may also enable the organizers to
run more competitors through the event.
Horse trials appeal to riders at all levels, from the beginner starting out at their first novice level event,
to the Olympic star fine-tuning his horse at an advanced level horse trial.
The first test is called a "dressage" test. Dressage is a French word meaning training. Originally
designed to show the horse's capability on the parade ground in performing various movements
involved with reviewing troops, today the dressage test comprises a set series of complicated
movements performed in an enclosed arena. Precision, smoothness, suppleness and complete
obedience show off the horse's gymnastic development. Ideally it should look as if the horse is
performing of its own accord, carrying its rider in complete balance. The test is scored on each
movement, rather like the scoring in figure skating, with the overall harmony and precision of the whole
exercise taken into consideration.
Dressage is very important to the three-day event rider as it aids in conditioning the horse's muscles for
the endurance test. The horse becomes fit and strong, while its muscles gain elasticity to lengthen and
shorten at a gallop. The purpose of the dressage test is to demonstrate the horse and rider's ability to
perform each movement with balance, suppleness and precision.
The second discipline in the three-day event is the endurance test, which proves the speed, endurance,
courage and jumping ability of the true cross-country horse brought to the peak of condition. At the
same time, it demonstrates the rider's knowledge of pace and riding at speed over cross-country
The endurance test is comprised of Phase A - roads and tracks; Phase B - steeplechase; Phase C -
roads and tracks; and Phase D - cross-country. Each phase must be completed in a given time. Phase
A of the roads and tracks is a warm-up period, usually done at a brisk trot, for the purpose of relaxing
and loosening up both horse and rider. Promptly at the finish of Phase A, the horse and rider continue
on to Phase B, the steeplechase, ridden at a full gallop up to speeds of 24 miles per hour while also
jumping six to eight jumps. At the end of the steeplechase, the horse and rider go directly into Phase
C, the second roads and tracks. This phase is very important in allowing the horse to rest while
bringing his heart rate and breathing back to normal. The pace is usually a quiet trot, interspersed with
periods of walking and an occasional relaxed canter.
The end of Phase C brings the pair to the start of Phase D, the cross-country. Here the horse has a
compulsory 10-minute rest, allowing a panel of judges and veterinarians to check the horse's
temperature, pulse, respiration and soundness. If, in the opinion of the panel, the horse is not fit or
sound enough to continue, he must be withdrawn from the competition. Those which pass the
inspection go to the starting box for Phase D, to begin the most exciting part of the endurance test.
The cross-country course, ridden at a strong gallop, can be from 2.5 to 4 miles long and contains
24-36 solid jumping obstacles of great variety. The course is built to be just as challenging as the
terrain. Each combination of horse and rider must complete all four phases in the proper order and
within the time allowed, in order to not accrue any penalties.
In Olympic and World competition, the distance covered on the speed and endurance phase can be 20
miles. The cross-country is the phase that appeals most to spectator and rider alike. Unlike other
sports, where only the human will and body are working against the clock, in combined training two
minds and bodies have to work as one. As an additional attraction, combined training is the only
high-risk Olympic sport that permits men and women to compete as equals.
Show jumping is the third and final phase of the three day event, takes place in the jumping arena. After completing the first two phases of the three day event, testing the horse for its speed and endurance skills, it is then checked thoroughly by a veterinary to make sure of its soundness before proceeding to the final jumping phase. At this phase, a series of fences, varying in color, are placed within an enclosed ring, and have to negotiated with complete skill and endurance, showing the horses ability to recover from the prior tests, with the ability to recover enough stamina to complete the course with accuracy and ample speed.
The show jumping course consists of twelve to fifteen jumping obstacles, and demands precise riding skills. The fences usually include at least one combination, two spread fences, and
in some cases a ditch or water jump. (A water jump on a show jumping course is a real test for a horse. On the cross-country course a horse is required to jump into water--on the show jumping course he is required to jump the entire obstacle without putting a foot into the water.) As is often the case with horses, they amaze us with their intelligence and ability and rise to the challenge admirably.
The show jumping courses are designed to test the horse's and the rider's ability to negotiate a variety of fences of differing heights, widths, and technicality. This requires the horse to be balanced and supple for tight turns and short distances between fences. He must be able to lengthen or shorten his stride in an instant. Therefore, the rider must know exactly where he is on the approach to a fence, and have an obedient horse that will respond to his commands. For the spectator, this sport is both exciting and breathtaking to watch, as just one single rail knocked down can change the standings dramatically.
At the end of the competition, scores for all the competitors are totaled. Each test is scored individually and the penalties accrued are added together for the final results. The lowest score is the winning score. In the case of a team competition, the individual scores of each of the four team members are added together. If all four team members have completed the competition the best three scores count and the team with the lowest team total is pronounced the winner.
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