~Rescue Aware~

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This is the most important stop on your journey through my pages, I'm pleading with everyone who visits to just take a moment to read the list of sites that you can lend your support and assistance to. Please find a way to get involved, there's always places in need of a helping hand...You can make the difference in a horses life!!! Won't you please try???
I thank you, and every suffering horse in need thanks you!!!

Have you ever noticed a person with a backyard horse, standing on dirt because the grass has been depleted? It's bones noticeable beyond belief? Their hooves grossly misshapen, and neglected? Or the Stable down the road, with a field of horses on a hot day, standing unable to seek shelter where there is none, and no relief from the unbearable thirst, and you can tell by looking that they aren't being fed, or taken care of. The luster long since gone from their magnificent coats...the gleam of contentment gone from their eyes, replaced by despair???

Ever wish you could do something to STOP the slaughter of innocent family pets and loved equines? Have you ever seen the brutal treatment these helpless slaughter bound animals have to endure from the auction marts to the slaughter houses??? Have you ever passed that trailer filled far beyond capacity, with sickly, sometimes crippled horses...usually being transported to a slaughter houses, just wishing in your heart that there were something you could do that would make a difference???

Well then, HERE'S your chance to finally do something!!!

~Emergency Aid~
Czech horses in Emergency Need!

~Loving Aid~
One farm of many, desperately in need of your help!

~Stop the Slaughter~
Become Slaughter Aware!

~Slaughter News~
Disturbing news of an ongoing problem, closer than you might think!

Copyright © 1997 - 1999 Equines of the World and the Styles of Riding. All rights reserved. For free use, it MUST be linked back to this site!

This isn't just an ordinary link site, this is a site of links to take you to involvement!!! PLEASE, just pick one, any one to lend your support to. By donations, time, interest in promoting their cause, they always need help, and you CAN make the difference!!! So, won't you please drop by their site, and find out just what you can do to help, you'll find an unmeasurable amount of happiness in your heart knowing YOU helped SAVE A HORSE !!!

If you are a concerned horse lover, don't be afraid to get involved. YOU can (and will) make a difference! Volunteer some of your spare time to "HorseAid" or your local humane organization. Learn what bills or amendments are currently before the legislature or your local governing body and how they affect the future of horses in general and the equine regulations in your area. While not all of us can afford to support an organization or cause we believe in by financial means, we can all afford to vote! If you don't speak up for these helpless animals, who will? If not now, when?

Educate yourself and help educate others to this ongoing problem!!! Become aware of you states "Cruelty to Animals Statutes" and the U.S. Cruelty to Horses Case Law" and become aware of your states "Equine Activity Statutes"!!! Remember...YOU CAN make a difference!!!

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