Hi, my name is Nicky. You have stumbled into my world of Neonatal Nursing!

Hi! The photos you have seen are not new but my life is for sure! I met the most wonderful man on the internet and we were married Jan. 22nd 2000..so that makes me a newlywed...we promised to be newlyweds FOREVER!.

As new as being a newlywed is, I am even newer to the world of computers. Sometimes I get lost, but with the help of friends and the power of persistence, I always seem to find my way back. This is my first attempt at a webpage and so far I have found it to be creative and challanging.

Here I am hanging out one of my favorite places....."in front of the computer".....chatting with all my friends and surfing the web.

I am 50yrs. old, divorced, and the mother of two sons, Todd age 31 and Michael age 27. Since my marriage I am learning to trust again. Finding this wonderful man has renewed my trust in life and love. Even at my age it has opened up a whole new world..just to prove that life isn't over at 50! Life isn't over till you decide it is! .


This is my grandson and I. As you can see, he is all dressed up for Halloween, and doesn't look to happy about it.

And the above little darling that you see is my 4 year old grandson, Kaleb. I adore and miss terribly. He is living out of state with his mother. The divorce of his parents has seperated us by miles, but he has a big part of my heart for sure!

I graduated nursing school in Big Spring Texas in 1981, and have been learning with each year that passes.

And here I am at graduation in 1981. Kind of an old photo, but I retouched it the best I could.

We recently moved to Dallas and have a lovely home.....We both have a wonderful new jobs and we are making great new friends.

My co-workers and the physicians I work with are excellent both as professionals and friends. Everyone I work with has made an impact on young lives that I cannot even touch on in a paragraph. They are the most caring people that I have ever known. I feel I am very fortunate to be a member of this team of dedicated health care providers. The little angels that we care for don't know what we do for them, but we do it with an open heart realizing that what we do may not be acknowledged at the present, but these tiny babies are the future of our world, and I pray that we as professionals never lose sight of that. These tiny angels have made a difference in our lives, as I feel we have in theirs.

Thanks for taking the time to read a little about my life and my work. My wish is for happiness and health to all of my visitors.

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