picture of dog walking About Huskies picture of dog walking
pawprints line

I am here to tell you that we huskies are very unique creatures.  We are extremely friendly and loyal.  If you are thinking of becoming a husky parent, please be sure that you are ready to share loads of love and affection, because we need it.  We crave attention, and want nothing more than to just be near our parents.  Whenever my parents leave the room, I always follow them, because I just need to be near them.  We are also very gentle and wonderful with children.  I would never bite anyone even if provoked.  So, if you're looking for a watchdog, you're in the wrong place!

We also love toys!!  Please have plenty of chewy toys and squeaky balls to chase.  And be prepared to play fetch. That's one of my favorite games. 

Don't be afraid when we howl.  Huskies are very vocal animals, and you might not understand what we are saying, but I assure you that we are trying to have a very intelligent conversation with you.  So please listen attentively, and know that we mean no harm.

Huskies also love to run.  And we don't understand what cars are, so please make sure we are kept safely within a fence or on a leash.  We might not understand why we can't run free, but we trust that our parents know what's best for us. 

Huskies shed quite a bit. Be prepared to vaccuum frequently. But, one good thing is that husky hair is not like most dog hair. It usually does not have a typical doggy odor. Huskies usually don't need to be bathed as frequently as other breeds, unless of course your husky is always in a muddy yard. So, it's kind of like a trade-off. You have to pick up a lot of hair, but at least you don't have to bathe us as often. I like to think that I'm a low-maintenance dog.

And finally, if I haven't gotten this point across yet, we need LOTS of LOVE & AFFECTION!!!!

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