Welcome to Lil'Moon's Guestbook!

Daniel - 11/25/00 07:42:49
My URL:/shadowship1/alpha/mailconnect.html
My Email:FalsePerception@webtv.net

Hi. Where do I find that committee who gives out awards for outstanding design in Web sites made with a WebTv browser? I would like to offer my own site for consideration. By the way --- your place is really cool too!

Sandy - 09/20/00 04:26:25
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/susiequz/SUSIEQUZ
My Email:susiequz@webtv.net

You have a Wonderful Webpage,and all you Work Really Shows Through,Why not enter it into Sugagirl's Topsite Contest.I think you would do Great in the Contest: Please take a minute or so and check out the Contest: Thank you......Susiequz

- 09/15/00 19:10:14


Deepak Sharma - 09/15/00 19:02:20
My URL:http://www.deepinfo.bizland.com
My Email:dpak_2000@yahoo.com

nice work

Bill Henson - 07/03/00 19:26:32
My URL:http://working on one
My Email:Bill598@webtv.net

You have a AWESOME SITE!! and LIL-MOON is a very BEAUTIFUL LADY! keep up the great work.

b.g - 06/29/00 19:05:52
My URL:http://darientel.net
My Email:bubba_gayle@yahoo.com

a beautiful sight..as a christian i feel the love!!!

katie olm - 06/04/00 12:28:18
My Email:yukon@mds.net

love your site

Alex - 05/13/00 18:06:32
My Email:Alex729@webtv.net

Very nice page, Lil Moon.You obviously put many hours into making it, and we out here in Cyberspace certainly enjoy your effort. Also, you look great on that bike. I've got one too. Let me know when you want to go cruising....Take care, Alex

Tom - 05/09/00 00:45:17
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/RIDDELL/UNFINISHEDBOOK
My Email:riddell@webtv.net

OOPS..... Lil Moon....I put in the wrong URL for my web site. A few Bud's will do that to you. Hope this corrects everything. TOM

TOM - 05/09/00 00:35:09
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/RIDDEKK/UNFINISHEDBOOK
My Email:riddell@webtv.net

lil moon: I thoroughly enjoyed your site and took the liberty of taking the finest GIF I've run across and put it on my page. I have not as yet given you the credit, but before this night is over I will. Would "Thanks to "lil moon" be enough ? Please, if you allow me to keep this on my page, tell me how to credit you. Thanks, Tom P.S...... loved your site. Should you want me to remove it, I will do that, but with a great feeling of loss.

Kathy - 04/18/00 12:24:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ktrose.geo/
My Email:ktrose@webtv.net

Wonderful site, I came across your site when I first got my webtv and it inspired me to make my own web page. Thanks again ~Kathy

Geri Orman - 04/07/00 00:27:46
My Email:adam@ia.freei. net

This was really great, the illusions were pretty cool. Couldn't find the two people kissing though. Thanx

Francis - 04/02/00 15:50:59
My URL:http://pages.infinit.net/verbourg/
My Email:verrebourg602@videotron.ca

Happy Birthday amiga

John Blankenship Jr - 03/28/00 09:42:05
My Email:Jazzitupy2k@webtv.net

Hi lilmoon you have a beautiful site! You are a special lady! TakeCare! John

Teri - 03/22/00 19:53:17
My Email:pashn@webtv.net/pashn

I hope this will be a private message.I couldn't find an e-mail address.I wanted to tell you that I am so sorry for 'using' a star graphic on my pages. I'm new to this and didn't understand BANDWITH till I got your BANDWITH BANDIT graphic 6 times.I used Y UR star that many times.I neglected to give you credit. It was an oversight on my part. I thought if I put 'Dare To Dream' with your URL as to where I got the graphic, that would be ok. I must have misunderstood. I will E-mail my web page buddies that are new, starting out with their sites know (to avoid any embarrassment to them) what to do if they use a graphic of yours. Again, forgive my ignorance.

SASSE - 03/22/00 16:45:25
My URL:http://none
My Email:Sasse@webtv.net

Enjoyed yur site.To err is human, to forgive,devine. This is what I got out of it. :)

Skye - 03/15/00 12:20:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in2/illumination
My Email:skyediva@angelfire.com

~I truly enjoyed your site!!!Thank you for sharing~ SKYE~

Larry - 03/07/00 21:06:11
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Tribe-Fanz/LarrysLittleShopOf
My Email:Tribe-Fanz@webtv.net

Very nice web page. It is now in my favorites. Please come by my site and pick out one of my awards. Don't know which one to give you.

Countrybelle - 02/14/00 04:24:27
My Email:Countrybelle@xoommail.com

I love your site. The tribute to your father is especially touching. Wonderful page. keep up the great work.

uli zamir - 02/06/00 05:56:42
My Email:uliz@webtv.net

very nice site. keep the good work. u.z.

vicky - 01/20/00 05:40:52
My Email:keekee38@webtv.net

You have a very nice site I really liked the take a break from stress pages.

Betty Crocker - 12/31/99 01:26:58
My Email:onepotato@webtv.net

Enjoyed your site very much. Especially likeyour choice in music....sounds like you might be a jazz fan. Thanks for the open door.

Melissa - 12/19/99 04:29:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/madamazure
My Email:madamazure@yahoo.com

Cool Site.I like the "Take a break" pictures.

Dennis Allen Briggs (Gad) - 12/02/99 01:40:30
My URL:http://www.theendbygod.com/index.htm
My Email:deallen@theendbygod.com

Shalom alekhem! (Peace be with you!) Enjoyed dropping by your site and set a bookmark for a return.

Denise - 11/30/99 17:30:53
My URL:http://web1.in4web.com/mtcdrc
My Email:mtcdrc@webtv.net

I was just searching for some email backgrounds and wandered onto your webpage. Very creative and unique! Really enjoyed seeing your photos, especially of the garden. Visit my homepage and check out my gardens when you have a chance!

robert - 10/27/99 22:54:28
My URL:http://comunity.webtv.net/smokin-rob29/doc0
My Email:smokin-rob29@webtv.net

great page

BRENDA(SIZZ) - 09/28/99 23:04:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/sizz57/page1.html
My Email:sizz@sbinet.com

this is a wonderful site, thank you my friend.

Judy E. - 09/24/99 02:39:33
My URL:http://judysgiftshop.8m.com
My Email:Judy1200@webtv.net

Hi, you have a very nice site here and I have enjoyed my visit very much!! Your pictures are great a very nice looking family.

gale - 09/18/99 16:45:16
My Email:kitten-33@webtv.net

i enjoyed your site so much. the beach pic was awesome. it had me in tears. so beautiful. and your flowers. i loved every one. thank you so much for such an enjoyable website. im saving it in favorites. best of luck. kitten. ^,,^

Britt Christian - 08/27/99 00:50:23
My Email:bchristian@raccnet.com

Hello my name is Britt Christian and I am doing some research on my family history. My grandfather's name was William Willis Christian. And, I am trying to create a family tree - do you think we are related??

bundle - 07/29/99 06:01:10
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Carolyn_8/index.htmlFRESHSTART
My Email:bundleojoy@webtv.net

Hello, I really enjoyed my visit to your site. Great job ! Lots of work put into it. For it shows! Thanks for sharing it with us. Stop in for a visit at my site sometime. Add your link while your there. Let me know you visited by signing my guest book :~) Take care ~bundle~

Isis - 07/10/99 19:47:11
My URL:http://n/a
My Email:domvin@webtv.net

I love this web page.

Kristen - 07/07/99 13:52:23
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/ScullyX911/KristensTinyXFiles
My Email:ScullyX911@webtv.net

Cool Web site!!!

your sister! - 07/02/99 19:48:38
My Email:smoon@lvjusd.k12.ca.us

Way to go little sister! Remember to inclued pictures of Aaron & Alex!

Linda - 06/27/99 04:53:33
My Email:Lins2@webtv.net

Hey, I'm finally signing your guest book !I'm having a good time in here too reading the guest book ..ha..ha..!Thank you so much for making my website for me.your friend.. LinDUH ! ( aka- the pest )

Leonardo Astudillo O. - 06/18/99 18:34:31
My Email:leito22@yupimail.com

It's a very nice site. Congratulations!!!

frecs - 06/16/99 02:50:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~frecs/index.html
My Email:frecs@webtv.net

This is the first time I am visiting your site..and I love it!! WHAT a great job you have done!! I enjoyed my visit so much and now to go back and look around some more!! Best of luck with it always and keep up the great work!! :):) (((HUGS))

Donna Faye Pratt - 06/13/99 17:57:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/5800/index.html
My Email:Tweety-1@webtv.net

Aloha,I've always love to browse your homepages. They are very beautifully. I will come back and visit your pages again and again.Your helped me a lots with my sites. I appreciate it. Many Mahalo for your patience with me.Keep up the good work!!! Aloha, Kona Pei

Cyndi - 06/11/99 07:27:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~wassisimo/zoo/zoo.html
My Email:wassisimo@webtv.net

This is my favorite page of all.....!!

Tata - 05/23/99 19:38:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/CouchTata
My Email:cherokeetears@erols.com

really nice page will return and look at the rest, when i have an extra moment, great work

Lou - 05/01/99 16:33:27
My URL:http://www.zoomnet.net/~blgpts
My Email:blgpts@zoomnet.net

Hi, we rode thru the mojave desert several years ago with some friends... both couples on motorcycles..We thought it was called "lake, something", and were unprepared for the heat. It was 124 degrees that day, and there was no available water, or gas or nything... I don't think we've ever been so hot in our lives... I still have some sand in a jar that I removed from my pants and shoes. It was quite an experience... by the time we got to a motel, I was having a heat stroke..We were touring the west by mo orcycle and it was quite an experience... I don't think we'll ever forget it..Have a good day and God bless.

Gail - 04/26/99 20:59:12
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~yrrep22/index-2.html
My Email:yrrep22@webtv.net

I had such a good time at your site! I'll be back for more when I have time.Thanks for all your hard work!

valerie - 04/22/99 04:53:33
My Email:lmhnova111@webtv.net


lilseesaw - 04/18/99 08:16:36
My Email:lilbunnyra@aol.com

Hey, I like what ya did here Lilmoon, I really really do!!!

Jamie Smith - 04/17/99 18:33:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DanielsGirl/tweety.html
My Email:VdkaSunRise@webtv.net

Very nice homepage.....I love the music...keep up the great work......whew 10 other pages..LOL

Eben de Klerk - 04/17/99 15:49:06
My URL:http://home.intekom.com/eben
My Email:omni@intekom.co.za

Beautiful page! Best wishes!

Eben's Little Corner

grant - 04/09/99 19:45:32
My Email:maxcerpeer@webtv.net


Ginny - 04/03/99 03:21:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/9785/
My Email:mitres@webtv.net

Lil' Moon...I just had to stop and wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (((HUGS))) GINNY

dave - 04/02/99 02:29:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/mishomis
My Email:mishomis@shianet.org

Happy Birthday!!

TimRondeau - 04/01/99 13:11:50
My Email:timr77@webtv.net

howdy Tim

mike levey - 03/19/99 19:06:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BOBO456/lakers/lakergreats2.html
My Email:skinfanatic@webtv.net

i would like to thank you for the award and let you know that i have put your award on my pages and they are linked to your site. ~THANK YOU~

zitster - 03/17/99 00:58:11
My Email:kingzitster@yahoo.com

Cuzin Gladys huh? Nice page anyways......

Stacey - 02/28/99 22:09:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~filupg/subdirectory-stacey
My Email:mngmag@webtv.net

Your DASH touched my heart.

Nancy K. Toribio - 02/19/99 00:06:26
My URL:http://www.lotteryexpress.com/default.asp?id=N47824
My Email:toribio@webtv.net

Great site! Long live webtv!! Keep on sharing; gives me hope!! Regards & Aloha....Kandi

Judy - 02/17/99 01:43:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/judydees/index.html

enjoyed my visit great site and I plan on returning.

cindy - 02/16/99 22:00:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~zdoll2/index.html
My Email:zdoll2@webtv.net

Had to come back and visit your wonderful pages!!!Just wanted 2 say thank you again for all your wonderful gifs!! And all your hard work!!

amy - 02/15/99 11:41:27
My Email:bearsweets@webtv.net

This website was brought to my attention by a friend. I think you have interesting things here and I really enjoyed my visit and will return again.

Amy - 02/06/99 17:06:12
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/grungealley/ziplock15/
My Email:ziplock15@hotmail.com

Nice page check out mine and sign the book!

- 01/27/99 01:50:02


Jerry Plagge - 01/27/99 01:47:45
My Email:japsr@newulmtel.net


Annie - 01/18/99 04:59:49
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~AnniesTreasures/index.html
My Email:AnniesTreasures@webtv.net

You have a beautifully constructed web page. Keep up the good work!

Jazzluver - 01/08/99 02:31:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Quarter/6442/index.html


Great Page!! You have put alot of work into these pages...and you have done an excellent job of doing so. This is definately a keeper!! I will be back often to see your updates.
When you have some free time .. come by and check out my page.

cindy - 12/18/98 02:13:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/cindyscook/index.html
My Email:zdoll2@webtv.net

What a wonerful site!!!! Thanks for all your hard work!!!! I could stay here a week and play!!! I am new to making a home page! Your site was very helpful!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family!!!!!

Sherida - 12/17/98 21:25:21
My Email:decker7@webtv.net

this is a great page with loads of infomation on it. The info is easy to understand. Thanks.

aaa-na - 12/17/98 09:50:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~quips/index-10.html
My Email:aaa-na@webtv.net

It's always fun to visit other pages and see what can be done. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work.

Julianne - 12/16/98 02:54:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/4680
My Email:jillysmile247@hotmail.com

Cute page!!

Ramoth Gold - 12/03/98 03:24:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Inlet/8059/index.html
My Email:Ramoth_gold@webtv.net

Great sight you have been busy. Keep up the great work.....Ramoth Gold

Katbird - 11/07/98 00:51:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Hangar/5492/
My Email:katbird414-2@webtv.net

Great links!! I'll be using them for sure!!

Debra - 11/06/98 16:46:37
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/grnsuede/index.html
My Email:GreenSuede@webtv.net

Really a GREAT page !!! Hope you visit mine some day soon. I would also like to link your page to mine if possible. Thanks... bye!!

vera - 10/25/98 21:14:44
My Email:me55555@webtv.com

Good job looks nice!!

TEST - 10/22/98 20:11:16
My URL:View My Old Guestbook
My Email:


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