Pam Partow's Sarah Pictures

Here we are showing off our new head gear. I bought her a sidepull made out of mountain climbing rope because she has a fractured tooth. The bit seems to bother her (my vet says wait and see, it would be a major operation to remove the tooth right now). The sidepull works quite well.
Here is an example of our 4 beat gait. It is now more diagonal, like a trot. She rarely paces and holds the speed steady. I have yet to canter her. I need a nice smooth hill to try that on.
I recently got a new "toy" for my computer.  It is called a snappy and allows me to capture pictures from videotape.  This allows me to get some nice shots of the horses since it is impossibe to snap a good action shot with a regular camera without going through lots of film.  Here is an example of Sarah in action.

  Sarah is a bit stiff here because of rein pressure, sometimes I have a bad habit of using reins for balance.

    Here we are doing a bit better.  Look at this compared to the third photo.

NOTE: I should be wearing a helmet, completely forgot this day.  Luckily, I did not fall off.

To view a slide show of Sarah "in action", click here.
On August 23rd, Sarah and I went into our first horse show. It was a local show sponsered by the Standardbred Pleasure Horse Organization. To view some pictures of the show, click here.
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Changes last made on: Tuesday September 1, 1998
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