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Evan at one month

  It has been a long time since I have done anything on this webpage.  I have been a bit busy lately.  I am deleriously happy, proud and delighted that, after many years, many thousands of dollars and thanks to the miracle of modern science, I now have a beautiful son, Evan Alexander.  He was born December 12, 2002 and is the absolute light of my life.  

My pregnancy was probably the easiest on record.  I had no symptoms whatsoever.  If it had not been for my growing waistline, I would not have known I was pregnant.  I have created a webpage where I will place pictures of my little one as he grows.  I also keep pictures on webshots.

There have been other changes in my life as well.  I am no longer working at the Oregon Graduate Institute.  I am now on contract to IBM in Tucson, Arizona.  If you know of any permanent (not contract ) jobs for software people, I would love to hear of it.  My resume is on this website.

  Much of my page is dedicated to my genealogy. I have known ancestors from Ireland, Germany and France.  I believe there are connections to Norway (maybe Denmark), and possibly Czechoslovakia or Poland (or "What the heck is a LEVINSKI, anyway?"). Anyway, take a look at my surname list and drop me a line if there may be a match.

I have added my GEDCOM to the Worldconnect project at Rootsweb.  Check it out!

I have found out more about my DeRushia/Desrochers/Durocher and Rondeau families.  Read the surprising origin of the DeRushias!  I have also found out more about my MADIGAN ancestors. I haven't done any real verification but it looks as though they came from near Tralee in County Kerry, Ireland.

My ancestry chart is a good way to visualize my family tree. Take a look!!

Irish Flag I have a lot of information about my Irish Heritage . This first part covers the Brien dit Desrochers family and their relation to Brian Boru, the first Irish high king.

I have also included the story of the first Brien dit Desrochers in the new world (Ici l'histoire de les Brien dit Desrochers en français ).

"In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep to know our heritage -- to know who we are and where we have come from. Without this enriching knowledge there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainment in life, there is still a vacuum, an emptiness and the most disquieting loneliness."...

---Alex Haley, author of "Roots"

Neat Personality test!!! Look how I came out...

Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic ( this me, or what??).

Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun (this seems to be a bit off the mark...not really that neat...I always thought I was fairly flexible).

Extraversion results were medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting (pretty close, I'd say).

I agree with most of the following. The ones that are most on the mark I have made bold.

trait snapshot:

clean, organized, regular (glad to know this), self reliant, tough, positive, high self control, very good at saving money, dislikes chaos, resolute, realist, trusting, hard working (how can I get this, but have low work ethic??), dislikes unpredictability, prefers a technical specialized career (hehe...yep...), not worrying (at least until 2 months ago), respects authority, enjoys leadership, finisher, normal (this is good to know), optimistic, controlling (hmmm...really?), prudent, modest, adventurous, does not like to be alone (not sure about this), intellectual, likes the unknown, very practical (that's the engineer in me), high self esteem, assertive, perfectionist, busy, altruistic

Easter bunny

Need to laugh? Take a look at Jokes 'n Stuff. I keep getting good stuff mailed to me and I put things up as I can.   Ducks  These pages are definitely works in progress and I add things all the time.  

So, pull up a chair, pour yourself a cup/glass/mug of your favorite beverage and relax a while.

And hello to all you DCF-types...hope you enjoy your stay...


Money/Time Saving Tip Of The Week -

Click for Beaverton, OR Forecast


Wow, I won an award!!

             Ridge Good Site Award        


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