Bloom For Me

The Lord created all things.

Look around in your yard, flowers bloom that your hands
Planted in  the soil.  Birds come to your yard
Because you feed them.  Children come because you
Welcome them.

With all the beauty, God's hand still created all things.
Including you.
If you love that flower or bird or child,
then how much more does He love you. He wants to plant you in his soil. He wants to feed you, water you and talk to you. God wants to sit back and look with awe
at his own creation. Sometimes a plant becomes withered
because no one cares for it,
give a little attention and it perks right up. The flowers turn their faces to the Sun. Ever-reaching, Ever-wanting more of the life sustaining light. You turn to the life sustaining light. Lift your face and branches
and feel the life flow through you as blood in veins. Let the Heavenly Father Water You. Your Spirit. Bloom for the Lord, that he may delight in his creation. By Julie Orlando