Page by Pamela, January,2000
Poem copy right 1999,by Lynn Lalone


Her heart it races, at every time
She saw his name: he was online
Her skin it tingled, her palm did sweat
For this name-only person, she had never met
Across the miles they did converse
Both in their sparate universe
A keyboard and fingers, instead of voice
Their distance dictated, they had no choice
But over the hours, week after week
This is the way that they both did speak
She learned about him and he of her
And as time continued, emotions did stir
But she was so weary, unsure to trust
Was it love she was feeling, or only a lust
Once long ago she had fallen in love
The kind from a story, the type you dream of
Her white knight on a charger, a Prince amongst Kings
Times together were wonderful, as were other things
A promise of future, a new start, a new life
Then he cut through her heart, like a blade of a knife
He said he still loved her, but he could not cope
With the distance between them, yet he did still hope
That they could remain friends and still keep in touch
Though it hurt she agreed, she loved him that much
Yet the months have passed by and nothing is heard
No phone call, no letter, no message, no word
So now all her feeling, they're kept locked away
Until perhaps something: maybe someone: one day
But for now her emotions she knows she must hide
Locked close to her heart, locked up deep inside
She's so scared of rejecton, she will never admit
Any feelings she has,she tries not to transmit
She knows deep in her heart, it will happen someday
Love will find her again in its own special way
The right words will be said and the walls they will melt
And the emotions she feels will be the right ones felt
But until that day comes, she is happy to have met
This voiceless man on the Internet
He makes her happy, makes her laugh, makes her smile
Be it love, lust, whatever, who cares, its worthwhile