Pictures from November and December

Here are all four kids in early November on an old loveseat we have in our den/computer room. From left to right are James (4), Caitlyn (3), Emily (16 months) and Caleb (2).

James ran away, but I thought the kids looks pretty cute in this picture, so I put it up here.

Finally we got a quick picture of all six of us at once (Thanks to our neighbor, Tiffany!). Caleb wasn't sure he was happy about having his picture taken and Caitlyn looks lost in the cushions, but it's nice to finally have a picture of all of us.

This is James in front of this year's tree.

This is Caitlyn, again in front of this year's tree.

Caleb decided he was not going to cooperate this day, so we gave him his dog to bribe him into taking nice pictures. We tried at least!

Emily's picture in front of the tree didn't turn out well. But this was take at Tom's parents house on Thanksgiving. She doesn't look that much different now, so we're using this one.

This page, including the background, was made with MyOwnTwoLittleHands on December 30, 1999.