You're Always Here For Me
..I want to share with you an experience I had with my guardian angel.....
On December 12, 1984 , I was preparing to go to town.. It was to be a special day for me.
I was going to get the milking off..My husband and I do the work on our own dairy..
It was to be a night off for me and I was going to go to a dinner with my dear friend and closest neighbor..
We live in a remote area ..It was a cloudy possible rain day, iffy day I call it..
I was going to go shopping, get my hair done and bring home pizza to leave with the family...Well I was getting ready to go..
I decided to wear my favorite pair of sandals. The ones I felt made me feel totally woman after being on the dairy working in barn boots and barn clothes. .
Well I put those high heeled sandals on and someone said "No go change into those black boots..
So I went in and put them on and started to leave and changed my mind.. I went back in the bedroom and got that pair of sandals and put back on..Stubborn as a mule sometimes.. Well going out the door there came that nudging again to go take those off..
You want to get your feet wet if it starts raining? It was truly as though the words were being spoken to me and I just finally stopped fighting the beckoning cause i needed to get going.
I finally put those boots on and got on my way. Thinking back now I really was stubborn as those darn boots made my feet swell if I had them on very long,
they had those stiff ankles that irritated my ankles if I kept them on too long..
So my guardian angel had to keep after me to take those comfortable high arched open heeled sandals off...
Ok , Ok I will wear these boots! .. I also had finally found a practically whole new outfit from top to bottom for my rare evening out....
My daughter Melaine who was 16 at the time.., would be picked up in nearby town where she attended high school. I would pick her up after getting my hair done..
Boy oh boy what a run around day to get every thing done from the barn work and calf feeding and chores in the house...
All set , I to go get my hair done, go grocery shopping, pick up daughter. We were to pick up a ready baked pizza to take home...
I told her this was one pizza that she would not get into and eat on the way home for a change..Well so much for that ..
That was one pizza no one in my family got to eat..I was on our road coming home around two miles from our dairy..
I had my window on my side partially rolled down.. My daughter and I saw a few young cows head out on the road ahead of us and just ahead of the car coming in opposite direction..
Driving quite fast someone was late for work.. Turned out to be a vacuum cleaner salesman who had tried to sell me a vacumn cleaner..
and his wife arguing or something like that.. They weren't thinking straight and swerved to hit cows and came at me on my side of road ..
I knew that I couldnt prevent them from hitting me, but tried to move over off the side of road as much as I could without going into a big slough that we were approaching..
All I could think of was that my daughter was on that side and if I drove in that slough full of water she might drown as she couldnt swim..
Never thought of my self ,, (I can't swim either..) This is ironic but the thought crossed my mind that my husband would kill me for the car getting wrecked...
Last words I heard was my daughters fearful voice "Mom they're going to hit us.. And then I heard the driver holler "Oh poop!!" (but spelled differently.. )
just before he hit me because of my window being down.. I came to and was really out of it, my daughter said "mom are you alright.."
I replied "yes i think so"I looked up at her and saw the blood rolling down her face. She had hit the wind shield..
I was protected by the bent drivers wheel. I said oh no what about you.. She said i'm alright i just bumped my head..
All of a sudden my head hurt so bad and I had tremendous pain in my right boot..When I had my foot on the pedal the car hit and the force turned my foot around..
and because I was wearing the boots with the stiff ankle it flipped it back around. Had I worn the sandals, My foot may have come off.
Every muscle and ligament in my right ankle had been torn away from my ankle ..
I felt a rush of blood in my boots, And managed to get my foot up on the seat and Applied Pressure to my upper leg..
When my husband arrived on the scene before the highway patol or ambulance he saw my daughter out of the car... He took one look at the drivers side of the car and assumed that I never made it thru the accident..
The car was completely totaled...and all squished up on that side.. I was driving the best second hand car I had ever had yet.. A classic 72 malibu...
I received a cracked skull,, inner ear problems to this day fromt he brain fluid seeping into my inner ear..I am on my feet much and I have problems with my right ankle and leg..
My kidney on my right side started deteriating after the accident .. It had been about 2 years since I had nearly died and lost the kidney on my left side..
I also live with herniated disks in my neck which doctors told me they didn't know why I wasn't paralyzed by looking at the MRI's.
I refused a surgery which was a risk and decided to leave my neck in God's hands.. So here I am almost 15 years later and still milking cows..<15>I want to eventually tell you more about my experiences when God was there for me when I felt not worthy of him.....
Take care now and remember God Is there for you too.....
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