
Faith, Hope And Charity

Faith is believing and trusting
In rules given mankind

Hope is wishing and yearning
For true love to find...

Charity is giving of oneself
Often helping others to bind....

Teach of Faith, Hope and Charity ,
These two old song verses come to mind

With verses that teach us right from wrong
That's the way to live successfully

How do I know ? The Bible tells me so...
If we do our part and teach our children

When they are small the right path to go..
It will help them to cope as they grow

Let them know that it is in God's arms they belong
Tell them when they do wrong to ask forgiveness

And he can fill their hearts with a happy song....
Faith is trusting and standing on his promises

Hope is for a better world to come.....
Charity is is giving part of what you have to and fro

Teaching with love to our children which path to go...
Teach them Jesus loves them for the bible tells us so..

© AnAngl2Lov 4-1-99

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